7, vacances de noël

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bit of a short chapter this time, i hate writing filler that isn't eponine and descamps😔

Vacation started, and Eponine was glad that it did. She, Simone and Michéle had exchanged numbers, so they could call each other while Eponine was in London. Eponine and her family went back to England for Christmas to see her brother Mathieu. The family's neighbours, Mrs and Mr Martin, had gladly said yes to feeding Colby Jack.

So now, she was sitting on a train from Dover Ferry Port on her way to London, squeezed in between Colette and the window. Colette had her cheeks pushed up against the glass, gazing outside with wonder.

The landscape was barren and cold, but Eponine felt a warm surge of calmth wash over her. France wasn't as bad as she'd imagined it would be. When she first packed her bags for France, she could barely see past her tears. She had to leave everyone behind. But now, she felt like Voltaire was right for her, like she belonged there.

She'd met amazing people; Simone, Michéle, Annick. And dare she say it, even Joseph. She'd never say it to his face, though. He'd never let that go. She was planning on bringing back some souvenirs for the girls, like real English Breakfast tea, not the cheap fake stuff they sold at the corner store in Voltaire.

Eponine and her brother never got along that well, which resulted in them being distant. Mathieu was a very traditional and conservative man, which didn't align with Eponine's beliefs. Any time they did talk, he usually asked her if she'd found a suitor yet. But Eponine hadn't even given marriage much thought.

Of course, she'd be happy to see him. But she didn't really miss him while they were away.

When they arrived in London, everything was coated in a layer of plush, white snow. Colourful lights decorated the buildings, and people walked around with giant shopping bags in their hands. They neared their house, and Mathieu opened the door.

"Mother, Father. Welcome," he greeted stoically. Their mother flew onto him. "Oh boy, you've grown so much!"

He rolled his eyes, but patted her back awkwardly. When he was freed of their mother's iron grip, he greeted his sisters with a little more enthusiasm.

The family was sitting at the dinner table when Eponine's least favourite subject came up. Marriage.

Mathieu's knife clanked against his plate. "So, Eponine. Have you found a suitor yet?" He glanced up from his dinner. Eponine rolled her eyes. "Are you going to ask me that question every damned time I see you? Can't you let it go?" she exclaimed.

Mathieu put his cutlery down. "Eponine. You'll be eighteen in two more years. It's better to find a suitor now than to have to find one when you're old. No one wants an old wife," he snarled.

"What, no one wants an eighteen year-old fiancée instead of a sixteen year-old, or you don't want an eighteen year-old instead of a sixteen year-old? You creep." Eponine bit. She threw her cutlery down, and stormed up to her old room. Her old room was bare, only a bed remaining.

She plopped down on it, and dreaded the days ahead. She couldn't wait to go home.

. . .

'Thank god, I survived Christmas.'

She did have to apologise to Mathieu, though.

The moment Eponine got home, she ran upstairs, and took a big nap. It was the twenty-seventh of December, which meant she got to celebrate New Years with her friends. So after dinner, she made sure to call Simone and Michèle.

Unfortunately they were both tied to family dinners, and couldn't celebrate together. That left only two people whose phone number she had. Annick and Joseph.

So, she called Annick. After the phone had rung at least five times, Eponine realised Annick probably wasn't at home. Right when she'd gathered up the courage to call Joseph, her mother came in. She looked concerned, almost scared.

"Nine?" she asked, "We need to talk."

She reluctantly sat down on Eponine's bed. Honestly, Eponine was scared that something horrible had happened to her grandparents. "What's going on, mum?" she asked concernedly.

Her mother took a deep breath. "Your father and I have decided that it is time for you to meet your suitor." she blurted out. Eponine was stunned. "What?"

Her mother sighed. "Do you remember Béatrice?" Eponine nodded. "You and her son have been arranged to marry since birth," her mother explained.

"Mum, are you serious?!" Eponine exclaimed, but her mother stayed silent. "You've got to be kidding me."

Her mother sighed. "We're going to go to their place for New Years, for you and your fiancé to meet."

"Mum, what the fuck?! Why- What?!" Eponine screamed. "So I'm supposed to marry someone I don't even know? Are you insane? Can't you cancel it?"

Her mother stood up. "This isn't up for discussion, Eponine. You have to marry him, as an alliance between his and your fathers businesses. If we don't do this, they might go bankrupt. Please understand that I never meant for it to go like this, we never meant to upset you," she kneeled down, and coughed slightly. "But this has to be done. Béatrice's boy is a good man, Eponine. He won't be a bad husband, I assure you."

Tears had long welled up in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. "Get out," she murmured. Her mother nodded, and silently mouthed an 'okay'. She quietly got up and left.

Eponine was left on her bed alone, wondering what the fuck just happened. Questions raced through her mind. 'What if he is in my school?' 'What if we hate each other?' 'Can I still go to university when I'm married off?" But to no avail. None of her questions would be answered any time soon. She decided to at least be civil to him when they met, given he was also forced into this.

Still, Eponine dreaded New Years.

hey guys! sorry for the late update, some family issues happened so i had to take care of that first.
in the next chapter we'll see who eponine is set to marry, but i think you have a good guess already🤭
with love,
your author

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