8, un bisou

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a/n: can't wait for you to read this tbh
!!not proofread yet, pls notify spelling mistakes!!

Eponine had been ignoring her parents for days. She barely came out of her room and just started playing her clarinet all day, because her mother hated clarinet. She never made a comment on it, though.

On the morning of December 31st, her dad came in when she was reading on her bed. He looked guilty, and almost sorrowful. "Hey, Nine. I want to talk," he said. He looked at her expectantly. Eponine shrugged. "Okay. Talk." He sat down on her desk chair, right across from her.

"Your mother and I never meant for it to be this way," he started, "but our law firm is suffering. It's rapidly shrinking in size, and we need a secure future for you. By marrying you to the heir of another law firm, we could easily merge the two businesses and avoid going bankrupt." He rubbed his hands together. "We only wanted the best for you."

Eponine's anger increased by the minute. "No. Don't give me that 'we care about you!' shit. You just want to save your own ass, and you let me take the hit instead. I'm done with this. I'll be civil to him, but I'm not marrying someone I don't love." At the end of her rant, she was breathing heavily.

Her dad took a deep breath. "There is no room for discussion here, Nine. Go get ready for tonight."

An idea struck Eponine's mind. "You know what? Fine. I'll do it. I won't enjoy it, and I will never talk to you with respect or love ever again. As long as you spare Colette this pain and helplessness. Let her choose to love."

If she was being honest, she hated the idea. She wanted to be selfish, and run away or cut them off. But they'd just do the same to Colette. Colette was a free spirit, a soulful artist and a tender heart. She wouldn't be able to fully stand up for herself against their parents, she was too sweet for that. If Eponine wasn't given a chance, she could at least try to give that to Colette.

Her dad looked stern. "Okay, I guess that's a wish we can grant."

With that, he left the room. So against her will, she started getting ready for the dinner that night.

. . .

At around five thirty, the entire family was ready to go. Eponine had realised earlier that Colette thought they were going to eat dinner with some family friends, and knew nothing of the arrangement. She was happy that her little sister was clueless about it, because she was merely six. Eponine didn't want to expose Colette to the idea of being married off, and losing that freedom for yourself.

They left the house, and stepped into the car. The ride was quiet, save for Colette humming a tune under her breath. Eponine recognised it as 'Here Comes The Sun' by The Beatles. Colette used to beg her to play The Beatles, which most likely was because she just really liked the bugs and therefore the band as well.

Eponine recognised the neighbourhood they drove into. The street as well. And one of the houses. She'd been there the day before Christmas break started. 'Could it be?'

It was like her mind started playing five different radio's at the same time. When her parents knocked on a familiar door, the radio's abruptly stopped. Her mind was blank. 'Did he know?' She kept asking herself, but she knew she couldn't get an answer to that question unless she managed to get him alone. She shivered, but it wasn't just the cold. The entire situation made her feel weird.

In the doorway stood Béatrice. Béatrice Descamps. Joseph's mother.

She had a bright smile on her face, and quickly welcomed everyone in. She quickly approached Eponine, and took her jacket off of her shoulders. "Hello, dear! I'm so glad to see you! When my boy told me you were in the same class, I was just so happy! And I'm even happier that you two get along so well, and are working together on what was it? A project?"

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