17, la fin de l'année

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Before she knew it, he'd tenderly kissed her jaw. Droplets of rain adorned their skin and wet their hair, but they did not care for it.

All Joseph cared for was proving himself.

All Eponine cared for was the sensual rhythm his heart was beating at, and the sweet melody his breath formed.

"You're a dick, you know," she murmured. He hummed. "Tell me more."

She pinched the back of his neck lightly. "You should've come to me first," she scolded softly. He pressed his face into her shoulder. "I know, Eponine. I don't even know what I was thinking, I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me." His voice was muffled by the fabric of her scarf.

Eponine's hand found his hair. "I'll forgive you, but I will not forget, Joseph. I never forget."

He smiled, hand on her nape. "And for that I love you, mon ange. 'I love you' underestimates what my heart is capable of, just for you. I'll write down every thought I've thought, string them together into a never-ending poem of dedication if that's what I must do. I don't care. I'll do all of it, all you ask. All I ask of you is to never forget. Remember so I won't forget."

"You're beyond yourself," she whispered at his declaration, "Are you drunk?" She hadn't smelled any alcohol on him, but she couldn't figure out how he became this way.

"I would never become drunk if I knew I'd see you. I need to remember all of it. All of you," he continued, his thumb rubbing a comfortable circle on her neck. Eponine's eyes had been as wide as saucers since he first said 'I love you'. Now, she felt weak in her knees but strong at heart.

"Your sweet words woo me so quickly, it is a dark art," she replied airily. Her voice was barely audible over the sound of rain. "Then you know my soul, have heard it with your own ears, and seen it with your own eyes," he said sternly. He moved her head back to look her in the eye. His eye was a pool of sweetened honey.

"You will know mine," Eponine replied softly.

"That I already do, mon ange."

. . .

School the next Monday was by far one of the weirdest of that academic year. It became known the school nurse had run off to Paris with her female lover. Eponine found herself smiling when she heard.

Also had Pichon invited their entire class over to his house next Friday to celebrate the start of the summer.

Michéle hadn't shown up to school today. No one knew where she was, and even Annick was stressed. Mainly because Laubrac was also gone. Simone was really panicky today, asking around everywhere. Everywhere but Jean Pierre.

"He kept avoiding me past weekend. Then this morning, he randomly broke up with me," Simone rushed. Eponine shot up straight. "He did WHAT?"

"He broke up with me. Before you do anything, I don't care about him." Simone explained, pushing Eponine back into her seat. "What do you mean?" Eponine asked.

Simone thought for a minute before she replied. "Well, I thought that if he were to ever break up with me, I'd be inconsolable. But honestly when he did it, I couldn't even cry. I felt nothing."

Eponine huffed. "Wow. Props to you, girl."

. . .

Pichon's party was one big mess.

Someone had told all the seniors, who all showed up for the party. His house was packed with people. Joseph had gone to collect Eponine, having her sit on the back of his bike while he drove.

When they arrived, Annick's cheeks were rosy and tear-stricken. Eponine laid a hand on the pretty girl's shoulder. "What happened, Annick?" she asked.

Annick wiped her face. "Henri— Pichon asked me to dance, and I said no because I don't dance, but later I danced with someone else and he saw!" she wept, "and now he said Felbec was right and that I misused him and he never should've become friends with me!"

Eponine drew her in for a hug, which Annick gladly took. "Look, Ann. Situations like these happen all the time. All you can do is apologise best you can and hope he accepts. If he doesn't, it's out of your control," she tried to ease her mind.

Annick looked up. "Thanks, Eponine." She glanced behind her. "Uh, Descamps keeps staring at you," she said nervously. Eponine laughed. "Yeah, he does that." She turned around. "Jo, can you go look if they have ginger ale?" she called out. He nodded, flashed her a smile and left.

"Are you two dating?" Annick asked.

"Not officially yet, but yeah," Eponine smiled. Annick patted her bicep. "Good luck with him. You two are cute together," she said. "Thanks."

Suddenly across the hall, they heard someone who was obviously Jean Pierre shout. "I love you Simone! I'm so sorry, I need you! I need you to survive!"

The two girls glanced at each other, that being enough to agree on finding Simone. They couldn't find the girl, so they eventually split ways.

Eponine went looking for Joseph. She found him in the last place she wished she would: next to another girl. The girl kept inching closer to him, and tried to take one of the drinks from his hands. But he flashed a look of disgust, and quickly left.

"What'd she want?" Eponine asked when he encountered her. "Wanted to know what I want to study," he grumbled. "She's Pichon's sister."

"Good thing she didn't get stuck in that conversation with you," Eponine teased. Joseph frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just saying that when you start talking about Camus, you don't stop."

i hope this chapter wasn't too cringe. wonders are written in the early hours of morning, but i'm not sure this is one of them.
this story is coming close to an end! i'm actually kind of happy about that, because i've never actually finished writing a fic before. also sad because i did like writing this.
also if anyone would be willing to translate this story, please reach out to me!

with love,
your author

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