announcement (not quitting!)

685 22 10

hey everyone!

i just wanted to pop in here rq and give a quick announcement.

updates may come slower from now on! think something like once every one-two weeks. school takes up a lot of time at the moment, and i'm often too tired afterwards to write properly. 
but i am NOT quitting because i usually stop after 6 chapters and never think ab the story again, however i like this one more than my other fics and i really really want it finished.

another thing is please point out plot holes!! i haven't planned ahead while writing this, so every single thing is spontaneous. (have started planning the coming few chapters because they're important)
and i don't know shit about human interactions!! i'm autistic as fuck so forgive me if certain interactions seem weird. (pls point it out so i can fix them!!)

i expect this fic to end at around 20 chapters, so stay tuned!

more kiss scenes?? i guess we'll find out

with love,
your author

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