How it Began

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(Usually narrated by Nico's POV, might switch POV every so often)

    "Are you sure, what if you get attacked by monsters?". Percy was rambling off giving me a bazillion reasons why I shouldn't leave camp. "Nothing I won't be able to handle, relax Percy"  I answered.  Earlier that day I had decided to leave camp since I still wasn't exactly accepted there. "Why are you even leaving?" Percy blurted out. I stayed quiet staring right into Percy's eyes. I didn't know how to answer and decided to just say goodbye. Just as I said my goodbye shadows started to circle me and then I was gone. 

     Somehow I ended up in a dark depressing alley in the middle of Gotham City.  Just when I was cursing under my breath three men appeared" Hey kid, where are your parents?"Each of the men had a different weapon and cloak on. As the thieves got closer to me I started backing away one step at a time. Suddenly I saw the tip of a blade getting closer to my face every second. I was so exhausted from the shadow traveling that my reflexes got slower. Just as I was about to dodge it a hook grasped the knife. This man dressed as a bat jumped down the roof of the building and sent the thieves running. "You okay kid?" he asked. "Fine" I answered as he walked away. "Not even a thank you, what's your name kid?". " Nico", I answered back. " What are you doing here so late? Where are your parents?" My head was already spinning and him asking me all these questions was not helping. " Leave me alone," I said as I tucked my hands into my pockets. Just as I started to walk away he told me to go to the shelter down the street. After giving it some thought I decided that staying at the shelter was my best bet especially since so many people could help cover up my scent.

" Welcome to the Gotham Shelter, how can I help you?" the lady at the front desk said as I walked up to her. " Could I stay here for a little while" I asked. "Of course honey, behind me is the entrance to the communal bed area and down the hall to the left is the bathroom, enjoy your stay!" she answered with one of the fakest sweetest tones i've ever heard, and believe me i've heard a lot.  

I was just laying on a bed at the shelter when all the kids rushed over to the front of the shelter.  There was screaming and pushing and with all the commotion being caused ( and my level of boredom) I couldn't help but be intrigued by it. Just as I reached the front I saw this man in a black tuxedo, hair slicked nicely to the sides. He looked kust like a rich billioanre and thats when it hit me. That was Bruce Wayne, the Gotham City Billioanre. Every kid in Gotham City wanted to be adopted by him. He already had 4 kids, 3 were adopted while the youngest was his biological son. Just the sight of him got kids squealing at the top of their lungs.

Bruce was looking around the shelter seemingly looking for something or someone. Then he spotted me, we made eye contact until I broke it off too look at the ball in my hands.  Bruce called over an employee and talked with her, suddenly pointing at me. What was he planning? Was I in danger, should I run? Just then an employee walked up to me with a smile on her face. " Mr. Wayne has requested to talk to you, please follow me". I got up and followed the employee down the hall to a meeting room.  

When I enterd the room Bruce immediatly got up and came up to me. He dismissed the employee and turned to me. " Can I help you?" I asked him. He looked at me, "where are your parents?" he asked. " One is dead, the other I have no idea" I answered, half truthfully.  He immediatly asked me if I had any other family. I was seriously getting annoyed with him asking me all these questions. I know that he hasn't asked any other kids these questions, why me? " Why do you want to know?", I asked him, he stared at me intensely then smiled. "Because I want to adopt you". 

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