Total Poser!

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(Hey guys, it seems like forever since I last updated! I tried to make the chapter longer to make up for it. I added one of my favorite lines from an MCU movie in the chapter! Let's see if anyone spots it :)

Once I woke up after a few hours of sleep the night seemed to last forever. Every night seemed to feel that way but tonight just felt different. Recently I haven't gotten much sleep. There was always this feeling that something bad would happen but it never did. I've had this feeling for months now so I just started to overlook it as if nothing would happen but tonight it felt much more intense. Over the past few weeks, the feeling had been building. It felt as if the event was getting closer and closer.
When Bruce adopted me I had assumed that was the event I was being warned about. It all seemed to make sense in my mind so I thought that the feeling would go away tonight, but it didn't. Maybe I was convincing myself that I would get to live a peaceful life but the feeling just grew worse, greater than any other feeling I've had in the past. I didn't know what to do so I did the most logical thing my mind could think of, sneak out.

I grabbed a hoodie, put on my shoes, and tip-toed my way out. Halfway I realized that there was no one to avoid. I couldn't sense any of my floor mates around. There was no one on the second and third floors and one person on the first floor. Where was everyone? The only person who seemed to be home was Alfred as his soul was the only one I could feel around.

There was no way. I saw them all go into their rooms to sleep and I was awake most of the night, I should have been able to hear them move and sneak out. Just to double check I went into each of their rooms to check and there was no one. It seemed as if everyone had just disappeared.

Knowing that everyone but Alfred was gone I was able to just walk out of the house. For being such a rich family in Gotham why didn't they have any security around and in the house? This is Gotham City for god's sake, one of the most dangerous cities in the world. There wasn't a day where a robbery or a sort of crime was committed. Just walking around with all that money in your pockets seems like an invitation of robbery for me. Now that I think about it, I haven't sensed any monster around all day. Usually, for the first few hours in a place, monsters start to gather around and now I'm within a house full of the internet and who knows what? Where were all the monsters? Suddenly a bang roared in the alley behind me. "Oh gods, why did I have to jinx it? "

Dick (Nightwing) POV

Me, Red Hood (Jason), and Robin (Damian) were going on our usual route on the left of the manor during our patrol while the others were going on the right when we suddenly saw this bull-looking monster walking towards the manor. None of us had ever seen anything like it. The few people on the street screamed and ran and we immediately sprang into action. I pulled out my grappling hook and tried to hook it onto the bulls horn but the hook just passed right through it. The bull monster turned around in a slow unsettling way reaching out its hand.
A 7-foot axe suddenly appeared in its hand out of nowhere and he started spinning it around. The monster ran towards us into the alley which luckily was around 12 feet wide barely enough space for it to fit in. I pulled out my Escrima sticks settling into a fighting stance as Red Hood did the same with his combat knife. " Robin call in backup, we're going to need as much help as possible".

I was barely able to finish the sentence when the monster lunged toward us.  The monster swiped his hand toward us. I slid down underneath it and merely dodged the attack.  Jason on the other hand as the drama queen he is decides to flip over the monster's hand and land in a superhero pose. "Jason! You're a total poser! Start concentrating on the fight!" I screamed trying to hold in my laughter. Jason just smirked and carried on.

"What did you expect from him just yesterday I caught him flexing his muscles in front of a mirror!" Tim said through his com.

" Tim! You promised not to say anything!

" I crossed my fingers mate. It was too funny not to tell" Tim answered back. I couldn't help but chuckle at the altercation giving the monster a chance to attack. The monster took it trying to claw me but I avoided the attack. I tried to hit him with my Escrima sticks, but it passed right through him again. How are we supposed to defeat a monster that can touch us but not our weapons?

The monster then roared sending out a gust of wind strong enough to knock us over. He grabbed my leg and threw me into the dumpster resulting in a loud BANG!


The moment I got a request for backup from Damain my heart seemed to skip a beat.  I immediately started jumping over the roofs of the city to get to them. Times when my kids asked for backup were rare and usually very severe. The last time I had been called upon was when Dick was shot twice once in the leg and another in the chest.  What if one of my kids were hurt?  Questions and worst-case scenarios seemed to fill my head till I finally got to their location.  When I got there I saw something I had never seen before. 

There was this huge monster with what seemed like a bull's head. Could it be an experimented bull?  Then I heard a loud bang that sounded from below. I looked down and saw Dick in a dumpster with his body seemingly folded in half.  Dick is very flexible and agile but not to this extent. I knew he was alive as he was grunting in pain trying to get out of the dumpster. 

I jumped down to where Dick was, followed by everyone else.  The noise we all made was enough to capture the attention of the monster but it seemed distracted by something else, no, someone else. I heard footsteps nearing as the seconds passed.  "Let's get Nightwing out of this thing quickly" I commanded.  The force of all of us pulling was enough to get him out but it was clear that Dick was in pain and that his back was injured. I put his hand around my neck to support him while he stood up.  As I supported Dick the others tried to attack the bull-looking monster but every attack with their weapons just passed through it. They could physically hurt each other but even if all of us combined I doubt we would be able to defeat it. Then out of nowhere a swirl of shadows started to gather and everyone backed away in front of Dick in a protective stance. 

The swirl of shadows started to retreat quickly and in the middle of it, there was Nico!

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