New Fam

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" Adopt me?" Nico was confused, someone he had never met before wanted to adopt him. " You gotta be kidding me, why would you want to adopt me? " Bruce looked determined "Well you have no family, and you are wearing dirty ripped clothes". He was right I didn't have any family and I didn't feel any malicious energy coming from him, not only that but at some point, I would have to leave the shelter.

 " What do you say, Nico? Yes or no? I couldn't believe what was happening or what I said next. "Sure" I answered without even thinking. How could I agree to this and why wasn't I saying anything to get myself out of it? I huge grin appeared on Bruce's face but he quickly brought back that serious face he always wears. " Let us go then," Bruce said as he walked out, I quickly followed.

Once we exited the shelter, this big black limo awaited us. When we entered the car and took our seats Bruce took a chocolate, ate it, and sighed. " So Nico, could you please tell me about yourself?" That's when I realized I had never told him my name" How do you know my name, I never told you it?". Bruce chuckled, "Did you think I would offer to adopt just anyone?". 

Nico was surprised at the revelation, he hadn't asked him out of impulse but he had carefully thought about it. " As much as I tried I couldn't find your file, so you are going to have to tell me about yourself" Bruce suddenly said. It made sense Bruce couldn't find my file since I was born in the 1930's. " My full name is Nico di Angelo, I have ADHD and dyslexia, and the rest you'll find out soon enough." Bruce chucked and smiled seemingly satisfied with my answer.

After around 15 minutes of driving and an awkward silence, we arrived at Wayne Manor.  When I stepped out of the car and saw Wayne Manor I realized just how rich he was. Wayne Manor was huge, not as big as my father's palace in the underworld but big. "Hope you prepared for this" Bruce suddenly said with a grin. I had completely forgotten that Bruce had other kids and when he opened the door all you could hear was screaming. Bruce looked annoyed while he called everyone down. "This is your new brother, I expect you to behave and welcome him as family" he said glaring a them. They all looked at me with a waiting look. "Oh, my name is Nico, nice to meet you all" I said. " Im Richard, you can call me Dick tho, those little demons you see next to me are Jason, Tim and Damain. "

 As I was shaking thier hands I realized they were unusually strong for a normal human. Now that I thought about it Bruce and Batman were really similar. Just then memories with Bianca flashed back. As the rest introduced themselves to me my thoughts kept going back to Bianca and how I had lost my old family. Being part of a new family honestly scared me but something about it made me excited.

After introductions we were lead to the dining room by Alfred, Bruce's Butler. I waited till everyone else had sat down to sit, not wanting to accidentally take someones seat. " Nico where are you from?" Dick asked me. He probably realized I wasn't american by my slight accent. " I was born in Venice, Italy and moved here when I was young, I dont remember my exact age" I answered. " How old are you now" Tim asked me, " Fourteen" I said back. When I looked around I saw that Damain was glaring at me. It didn't seem like he was exactly happy that I had joined the family. "I think it is time for you guys to also tell me about yourselves" I said. " I think it would be appropiate to play an icebreaker" Alfred suggested " A icebreaker?" Damain questioned. " Indeed, its a good way for everyone to get to know each other. " Alfred anwered back. " Alright then, after eating let's all gather in the living room for the Icebreaker" Bruce said with a smirk on his face. What had I gotten myself into?

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