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Dicks POV

"Jason, why are you supposed to be dead just like that idiot Red Hood?"  Nico screamed as he held Jason by the collar. Jason's eyes widened as he opened his mouth to talk but he couldn't manage to say anything. All I saw in his eyes was fear and shock. A combination you rarely get to see on Jason's face.

"No, don't tell me"

Nico turned around staring at all of us intently like he was trying to see through our souls. Something in Nico's eyes lit up and then darkened quickly. It was similar to the expression that Damain had made when he found out the family secret. Could it be possible he has figured out the family secret already? No, it's been barely a day he couldn't have figured out the secret that fast especially without us giving him any clues.

Nico looked back at Jason gripping his collar tighter than before. Nico seemed to be conflicted over what to say next.  Unexpectedly he just let Jason go and looked him straight into his eyes with a serious face.

"You better be careful, you might have beaten death up until now but it has a way of coming back and hunting you. " Nico paused and shook his head looking down until he continued "He will send someone and depending on that someone you might not live for much longer. "

That was when Damian decided to include himself and ask "How would you know you're a 14-year-old!"

"I know because I know! I don't need to explain myself to you"

Damin scoffed and turned to Bruce. Bruce who was pinching the bridge of his nose in an agitated manner , seemed to be debating what he wanted to do. The kitchen fell into an awkward silence.

Finally, after what seemed like forever Bruce broke the silence

"Nico, could you please explain? Jason is my son and naturally, that statement worries me as the life of my son seems to be at stake. "

" I can't so just heed my words and don't ask me any more questions"

Nico POV

I know that Bruce and the rest of my family are having a difficult trusting me.

I can't blame them after the incident yesterday but there's this feeling in my stomach that just won't go away.

It took all my strength to not say I know their identities. If they knew I knew then they would ask too many questions that I would not be able to answer.  I doubt the gods would be pleased to have a family of mortals knowing about their existence. I just know that Zeus is waiting for a chance to strike me down from the sky but I'm not giving him the chance.

After giving them their final warning I headed up to my room not saying anything else.

About an hour later I heard a faint knocking on the door that grew louder the longer I waited it out. I didn't feel like talking to anyone but the knocking seemed to go on forever. When I finally opened the door I found Dick and Tim outside smiling.

"Can I help you?" I ask them

"We're going out shopping to the mall to get everything you need plus you need to get a suit," Dick responded.

"Why do I need a suit?' I can quite easily imagine them having a closet full of suits but why would I need one?

"Although we don't plan on having one now or Bruce would have told us, we going to host a gala at some point to introduce you as the new Wayne kid. You need to wear a suit that day. Trust me I hate wearing suits too but it's just something we need to deal with every once in a while. "

"So you're telling me that I will have to go to a gala and wear a fancy suit while I try to act like a fancy kid?"

"Exactly" Tim said back grinning. 

Tim (Pov)

Nico didn't seem really excited to go to the mall with us when we left the room so we decided to do the next most rational thing we could think off.

We invited the whole family!

Bruce although he didn't show it seemed to be thrilled at the idea of spending time with the whole family and getting to know the new addition to the fam.  It was also a step closer to getting Nico more comfortable in the family to ask him about his past. Since last night we've been keeping a closer eye on Nico and trying to figure out any clues about his past.  The only clue I found was a scar on Nico's wrist that I saw through his sleeve when he opened the door for us.

If im being honest the scar scares me a bit. The family hasn't had the best luck and each of us have scars the show that... Jason probably has the worst scars out of all of us. I know I may be overthinking a scar in a common area but it could have been caused by so many options. It could be from a simple accident to self-harm, abuse, kidnapping and lots more.

Finally I decided to call a mini meeting in the batcave to tell the family just in case it may be bad but I have to calm down and think of  the best scenario.  Either way we can't have a big confrence about it as we have to leave at 3 to go to the mall with Nico.

Once I called the meeting Bruce and Dick were in the cave almsot instantly. To us the smallest peice of information is important and they knew that the most. Once Damain and Jason finally got to the Batacave I started to explain what I saw,

"Okay so im not completey sure if this is a big help but I saw a scar on Nico's left wrist. It could have been an accident or it could be something bigger." I said.  Thats when I looked up and saw that Dicks eyes had widened.

"I also saw a scar on Nico's wrist but i'm 100% sure it was on Nico's right hand." Dick said.  The instant he said that my heart dropped.

"What's the possiblility that Nico has two scars on his wrists that were caused by an accident" I asked.  Everyone seemed to have an idea of what this meant. Both of Nico's scars were caused on purpose.

"Tim, it's not a high possibility. Plus if I remeber correctly Nico said he's been fighting monsters his whole life. " Jason said grimly.  


When Tim and Dick told us about the scars a whole story seemed to be unveiled. There is now evidence that Nico has had a very tough uprising. It seems the scars were either caused by someone else or Nico himself.

I have been trying to remove these possibilities from my head as my heart aches everytime I think Nico has been through horrible things. He's just 14, 14 and already probably tramatized. I really hope that were wrong or that whatever happened wasn't serious but by how things look now that seems unlikely. Especially after what Nico told us when we were in our superhero personas.

"What if we try to get information out of him as our superhero selves?" Jason asked seemingly reading my thoughts.

"That might work but we don't want to pressure Nico too much. If it was really bad then forcing him to tell us might bring up those memories and he could breakdown." Dick answered.

"Yeah but that seems to be our best option to find out more before we ask Nico at dinner" Damain said.

"Why are we asking him twice. What if he gives us the same information as he does if we ask him as superheros." Tim asked me.

"Well, that means that he trust us to tell us part of his story. Remember we need to earn his trust before forcing him into telling us. If he tells us at least part of it as a family then he is starting to trust us." I answered.

Suddenly an alarm went off on Tim's phone.

"Meeting is over. It's time to take Nico shopping to the mall. He's probably waiting for us in the living room so we should get going. " Tim told us.

Shopping... with Nico... this is a really great chance. I was already a bit excited before but we could really bond during this time. I'll get to know him better. Nico.. my new son..

Me:  Finally it's done! I've been working on this chapter for so lonnnggg. I've been so tired from all the testing and finals i've been having recently. Also forget mostly in Nico's POV warning I gave in an earlier chapter. Writing from multiple POVS is more enjoyable for me to do. Anywayss Hope you enjoyed the chapter and Good Night/Day!  :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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