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" I have brown eyes, I know gymnastics, and my favorite color is pink," Dick said as he started off the icebreaker. Out of all the icebreakers, they choose two lies and one truth. Seriously, how do I play this without exposing myself? I know they will eventually find out, and probably leave me. I can't get too attached to this new "family" or I will end up just like I did back then. " Nico, Nico, hey are you listening?" a voice said. "Oh, yeah. sorry, I just zoned out" I answered, " Are you even putting any effort into this!" Damian blurted out. I knew he didn't like me much and I don't think this activity is improving it. " Of course I am, I just zoned out," I said back. He was pissing me off, and I'm not good at dealing with those who do. Damian just scoffed back and I wanted to throw him to the nearest trash can.

" It's your turn, Nico" Bruce said while glaring at Damian. "I have lots of friends, I have a sister, and I like the sun. " Easy, you can't possibly have any friends, and just look at yourself, no way you like the sun, you are as pale as a ghost" Damian immediately said. I couldn't help but chuckle at what he said. " How are you not bothered by what he said" Jason asked me. " It's nothing new to me plus why should I care about what someone thinks about me? Oh, and by the way Damain, I do actually have friends just not a lot" I answered with a smirk on my face. Jason and Tim had a shocked expression while Dick let out a small laugh as he covered his mouth to compose himself. Damian looked over to him with an annoyed face. His annoyed face was hilarious to me. He wasn't the first person to try and get under my skin and usually by now I would be throwing hands at anyone who would except Percy and the others.

Bruce was to first to process what had just happened and asked the question I was expecting but dreading, " You have a sister? Where is she?". My face dropped almost immediately and it didn't go unnoticed. " She umm, well she died a few years ago," I said with my voice cracking. I could tell they toke pity on me had lots of questions especially Bruce but they didn't ask any.

 I was feeling uncomfortable as everyone stared at me silenlty but just then Alfred walked in with a tray that had a welcome cake and hot chocolate. Jason ran to Alfred with Tim, Dick, and Damain right behind him. They all had smiles on their face and Jason was jumping up and down in joy. I have to say Alfred definelty has a knack for timing. Bruce touched my shoulder causing me to turn around, Bruce gave me a reassuring look. I walked over to Alfred and he gave me a slice. It was a Neoplitan ice cream cake with vanilla buttercream and it was absoleulty delicious. The hot chocolate was so good, definelty better than Camp half-Bloods. I can see why everybody got so excited, it was the best dessert I have ever eaten.

By the time the cake was finished the pity in their eyes were gone and so was the tension. Wierdly I felt like a wieght had been taken off my shoulder. It felt good to tell them the truth and a part of me wants to tell them everything, while the other doesn't fearing that they would leave me. Not even a full day in and I was already getting attached. Something about being around them makes me feel calm and relaxed, something I haven't felt in a while.

After we finished eating the fam gave me a tour that ended by them showing me my room. Everyone acted normally like nothing had happened. Damain had even warmed up to me just a bit. He seemed more comfortable around me. It was already 10 pm so I decided to get ready for to sleep. I said my goodnight's to everyone and went inside my room. My room was huge and had a bathroom connected to it. I decided to take a shower and put on the Pjs that were already in my room. Alfred had prepared the room beforehand so I had clothes for the next few days. They werent exactly my style but Bruce said he'll take me to the mall soon. Then I went to sleep and before I knew it I was asleep.

ME: Sorry I haven't updated! I've been super busy! Hope you enjoyed the story ti'll now!

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