🤞Chapter One🤞

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So here we go off to a new school again because of Liam and his temper. Not that I minded as I hated my last school it was full of preppy twats and prissy girls! Honestly, I hated them all stuck up their asses!

"Now Liam can you please try and keep your temper in check?" Mom moans for the forty-eighth time this morning.

"Yes, I will, now can we please get to the school as I want to get to their lacrosse practice and get on the team," Liam moans.

"Oh yes heavens forbid we miss a practice(!)" I said with much enthusiasm.

"Tess I'm warning you!" Mom says looking at me through the mirror as I'm in the back seat.

"God I was only trying to be funny, Jeez," I rolled my eyes and looked out the window as Liam chuckled at me.

"Anyways I got him so what are you worrying about?" I muttered." Tess one more word out of you and I swear you won't live to see next year if you keep it up, missy," Mom says looking at me. I put my headphones on and ignored her for the rest of the car ride.

We pulled up to the school. Me and Liam exited the car, and headed towards the school where we saw Mason Liam's childhood best friend." Hey guys, ready for this?" Mason asked us.

"Ready to see a bunch of schoolboys throw a ball around? Yeah sure why not(?)" I said with a sarcastic smile." Ahh Tess the Sassy Queenbee how I've missed your humour," Mason says with a smirk.

"Come on! Let's go before Mr. I want to do lacrosse chomps at the bit here," I said with a smirk. Liam lightly shoves me as we head towards the field.

"Go on, get going puppy dog and please behave," I said with a smile."When am I not?!" Liam jokes."Since always," I chuckled.

Liam smirks and runs to join the team on the field. Mason and I watched Liam playing lacrosse and saw him catching each ball before they went into the goal.

"Nice, Liam you might be our first freshman captain," Garrett shouts."Well done Liam!" I shouted with a smile. Liam turns to face me and winks at me."Showoff!" I shouted."Always!!" Liam smirks.

I shook my head at him and continued to watch the practice with Mason.


After practice, Liam drags me into the locker room. Liam was getting changed as I saw two lads walking in, one had a crooked jaw and the other had spikey brown hair and a checked flannel on.

"Hey, Liam, you want to explain what that was out there?" Stiles asked. Liam turns to see Stiles, and Scott standing there.

"What do you mean?" Liam asked, confused. I was so confused by this."That little display. Your little circus act." Stiles continues by saying.

"What circus act?" Liam wonders."You caught every shot," Stiles commented."I was in goal." Liam sassily replies."Yeah, but nothing, not a single shot, got past you!" Stiles responds.

"Yeah, I was the goalie. Have you guys played this game before?" Liam says."You're a freshman, right?" Scott questions Liam."Yeah," Liam says."But you weren't here last semester," Stiles stated.

"And neither were you," Stiles notes looking at me." Well no fucking shit(!) Do you need glasses?" I snarked out."We transferred from Devenford Prep," Liam tells them."You transferred?" Scott frowns.

"Yeah," Liam says."No, you got kicked out, didn't you?" Scott states."All right, look - kicked out or transferred. What do you guys care about?" Liam rants.

"I came here to play lacrosse. The team could use a few good players, right?" Liam shouts frustrated.

"Why is it any of your business by the way?" I asked getting in their faces."You need players so shut up and be grateful you're getting new players," I said getting annoyed.

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