🦄Chapter Eight🦄

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I'm currently at home preparing for the PSATs tomorrow morning. I've been offered to have it taken tomorrow as I am a smart kid so I'm taking it alongside Scott, Stiles, Malia, and Kira."I can do this! I can do this!" I repeated to myself softly as I revised the material for tomorrow.

The following morning, I'm in line with Scott, Kira, Stiles and Malia for the test." I'm so not ready for this," I muttered lowly." You got this okay?" Stiles says with a smile. I softly nodded in response."Where's Lydia?" Kira asked."She took it her freshman year," Stiles tells her.

"Does that mean I could have taken it some other time?" Malia wonders." I'm taking it now because I'm a smartass," I chuckled making Malia smile."Malia, you studied harder for this than any of us," Scott reassures her." Tess, you are smart so you got this okay?" Scott says softly grabbing my hand.

"Doesn't mean I'm gonna do good," Malia grumbles."Well." Stiles says
"Well, what?" Malia questions.

"It's "do well," not "do good." Stiles tells her."Oh, God!" Malia groans and I hug her." What are you doing?" Malia asked." You need a hug," I said with a smile."Is it working?" I asked with a smile." No," Malia says and I jump on her back." Then it hasn't kicked in yet and I'm not moving till it does," I giggled making her smile.

Like this-

"Okay, okay! We're doing this because while we're trying not to die, we still need to live

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"Okay, okay! We're doing this because while we're trying not to die, we still need to live. If I survive high school, I'd like to go to college. A good college," Scott tells the 3 of them."It's only three hours. We can survive three hours," Kira says." You know there's a saying never ever say things like that as it can backfire on you," I said with a smirk.

We all enter the class and a lady is standing there waiting for our cell phones. She looks at me," Phone please Tess you'll get it back at the end of the test," She tells me. I placed my phone in the bag and did the fingerprint thing before sitting down.

"Please do not open the test booklet until you are instructed to do so. This test is two hours and ten minutes," The man tells us." There will be two twenty-five-minute critical reading sections, two twenty-five-minute math sections, and an essay writing portion that will last thirty minutes," He informs us.

"There are supposed to be two teachers monitoring this exam," The man tells the lady."I know. It's Coach. He's not exactly punctual. Um, let me just try him again," She tells him before leaving.

"I can't find him but Mr. Yukimura is upstairs grading papers. Do you want me to try him?" She asked as she returned to the room."We have to start. We can ask for his assistance during the first break," The man tells her.

"You may now open your test booklets and begin," He tells us. We started the test and I'm currently reading and I see a girl next to me and she passes out."Sydney! Are you all right?" The lady says coming up to her."I'm okay... I just got kind of dizzy," Sydney says and we see a rash on her arm.

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