🔆Chapter 10🔆

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So I'm at home watching a movie called Avatar and I watched it with awe. Pandora looks beautiful and full of colours and beauty." Wow, beautiful place, shame it's not real," I said admiring the movie.

I was so fascinated by the movie that I didn't realize that someone was knocking on my window. I turned to see Scott looking at me with Stiles behind him." What are you two idiots doing?" I asked with a look." Movie night!" Stiles says with a grin." Get in idiots," I shake my head.

Scott jumps in first and helps Stiles in," I'm watching Avatar currently so choose a film, my movie section is up there," I said pointing at my collection of DVDs." You don't have Starwars?!" Stiles exclaims.

"No? Why would I want a movie where the bad guy is the hero dad?" I said with a look. Stiles face dropped."How the hell did you work that out without watching it?" Stiles asked.

"His name Vader means father in German his name is literally Darth Father so I worked that out within a minute," I said with a shrug. Scott chuckles at me," So Avatar?" Scott points to the film that had finished." Never got to see it so I'm watching it now," I said with a smile.

"Twilight?"Scott asks with a look." I'm a sucker for the wolf pack, hated Reneesme, Alice, and Bella, Bree's death was heartbreaking to watch and the wolf pack deserved better," I said." We can all watch grownups," Stiles says grabbing the film." Get comfy I'm just gonna get changed," I said with a smile.

I quietly took my things got dressed for bed in the bathroom and went back to see Stiles and Scott on my bed leaving space in the middle of the bed for me." Come on we don't bite," Stiles says with a smile." Well, I don't anyways," Stiles says smirking at Scott." Shh, you! Come on Tess, come lay with us," Scott says nudging Stiles.

I climbed into bed and we watched grownups and I ended up laying on Scott's side Stiles leaned into me wrapped his arms around my torso and put his head on my shoulder as I fell asleep in Scott's arms.

The next morning, the three of us head to school. Liam and I went to see Mason who was talking about the was with Liam and Mason talking about the bonfire that was going to happen.

"Liam! Tess! Hey. Am I gonna see you two at the bonfire tonight?" Mason asked

"I'm not," I said sadly.

"Uh, I'm thinking about skipping it," Liam confesses

"You're not skipping," Mason says

"Why not?" Liam asked

"Because you're on the lacrosse team! Don't you have to go?" Mason questions.

"I don't, uh... I... I don't think I can make it," Liam stutters

"You're coming. And we're gonna find you a nice girl that you can embarrass yourself in front of, and find me a lacrosse player because statistically speaking, someone on your team has gotta be on my team, all right?" Mason says with a grin.

"Liam?" Mason asks.

"Okay. I'll be there," Liam nods.


Scott dragged me into the locker room as the Coach was talking about the bonfire.

"All right now, I know the start-of-season bonfire, it's a big deal for you guys. I also know it gets out of hand sometimes. The alumni show up, there are other teams, and alcohol lots and lots of alcohol," Coach tells them.

The entire team cheered and I softly chuckled."All right, Shut up!" Coach shouts

"Now, what I don't understand is why anybody would ever want to get stumbling-down drunk in front of a massive open fire. I'm also resigned to not being able to stop you guys," Coach continues. The team cheers once more.

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