🌸Chapter Seven🌸

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I'm still locked in this place and the oxygen is getting low. I'm trying to break the chains up but having no luck." Please help?! Anyone?!" I shouted.

3rd Pov-

Scott gets to school and bumps into Mason and they head to Coach Finstock's classroom to find him downing some cough medicine." Sorry, guys. Liam and Tess skipped my class. Maybe they are sick... like me," Coach says."Liam nor Tess didn't look sick on our run," Mason says.

"They're not getting back to any of my texts," Scott says."Me, either," Mason says." Yeah, don't worry-- I'll find them. But, text me if you see them," Scott says."All right," Mason nods and heads off.

Scott's phone rings and answers it, "Liam?" Scott asks."Sounds like you already know the answer to that, Scott," Garrett says."Where is he? And Where is Tess?" Scott asks."Come on-- like I'm going to tell you that," Garrett scoffs.

"I'll give you the money," Scott offers."Yeah, you will. But, that's not going to get you Liam, or Tess back. You're going to have to put in a little more effort than that," Garrett says."What do you want?" Scott asks." I want the money and Violet. Or, you never see Liam or Tess again," Garrett says.

Scott heads out to meet Garrett by the buses."Okay, what do you want? Do you want me to go to Stilinski? I can do that. Or, I can talk to my father-- he's an FBI agent," Scott says

"You think I want you talking to anyone with a badge? I'm not getting help from a Werewolf because I want him to talk to someone," Garrett questions.

"Then, what am I supposed to do?" Scott asks."They're transferring Violet to a federal facility. You're not gonna let that happen," Garrett says.

"How?" Scott asks."They're going to put her in a car. We're going to follow it. We get ahead of it, you stop it," Garrett informs him."Do you want me to attack a car? That's your plan?" Scott asks

"You're an Alpha-- if you can't stop one little car, then one little Beta is going to die. I stabbed your boy with a blade dipped in wolfsbane. Once it gets to the heart... Bad things happen," Garrett smirks

"What have you done with Tess?" Scott asks." Oh, she's locked away in a room with no ventilation," Garrett smirks." So best work quickly," Garrett grins.


Tess Pov*

"Hey!!! Can anyone hear me?!" I yelled getting scared." Please?!" I shouted." Don't leave me here!!" I yelled hoping someone could hear me.

3rd Pov-

Garrett and Scott are waiting in an SUV for the transport SUV to drive by."This is not going to work," Scott says."All you have to do is stop the car. I'll take care of the rest," Garrett says. Scott pulls up the hood of his black hoodie as Garrett starts the car.

"There's a stop sign half a mile ahead," Garrett says."So, I take out the tyres with my claws?" Scott says."Teeth, claws, heat vision-- whatever. Just stop them," Garrett says."You ready?" Garrett says but as they get close, they see the SUV already overturned.

"Stop! Stop the car!" Scott shouts."Dad!" Scott shouts as hops out and runs for his dad. Noah Stilinski is attempting to pull him along the road, even though he can barely move himself

"Scott," Noah says."She's not in the car! Violet's gone!" Scott says."Scott, listen to me... They're still here... They're still here," Noah tells Scott.. Garrett gets his lacrosse stick out of the back, which turns out to have a blade on either end."You want me? Come on! Come and get me!" Garrett shouts.

A berserker comes out of the woods, and Garrett makes a show of telling it to attack. Come and get me! Yeah, that's right! You're not so big! You're not so big!" Garrett shouts As Scott watches, a second berserker comes up behind Garrett and runs him through.

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