Life In The Manor

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*Back Story*

Harry and Camila were born in the same time. They were both were little babies when their parents died by the "Dark Lord". Harry was able to live in a house because they took him. But Camila didn't get that lucky. A death eater(A person you supports the Dark Lord) was able to take her before the professors made it to rescue both of them. Harry didn't live that good of a life either though he was left out but at least his life changed when he got accepted to Hogwarts he was happy. But he always felt a part of him was not there and that's because he didn't know he had a sister. The professors tried to find her but they couldn't after all the "Dark Lord" was smart.

Camila was taken to the manor of the Dark Lord. She was tortured for information that she didn't have. She was forced to do stuff she didn't want to do.  Everyday she had nightmares. She grew up at the manor. She didn't trust anyone she didn't know how to she didn't know how to feel love or be loved. Everyone was always so cruel and cold. So she grew up that way unloved. But Camila was a very sweet girl underneath everything she went through and if she wanted to hid it she hid it good sometimes a bit to good. Not talking about her life made her crumble inside it made her fall apart so much times but she kept doing it because she thought she deserved it. When she got older it got worse she had hate in her she wanted revenge for her mother, father and her brother. She really did want to meet him though but there was no hope she didn't feel any hope either.  She was stuck in the same place for 12 years. About to become 13. In the Manor she would see a boy sometimes she never really saw who he was because she would be pretty dizzy or bloody to see anything clearly for how much she would be tortured. She wanted to find out who he was though but again there was no hope for anything. She lived in a cell all her life and everyday she would get 1 plate of food and barely any water she felt like she was gonna die and she would've. But there was always someone there who gave her food and water when no one would see. His name was Draco Malfoy.

Draco Malfoy was a bully but it wasn't really his fault he was mad at the world most of the time because that's how his father teaches him to be he would attend Hogwarts. He would tell her stories too and even check on her brother. For he didn't make anything suspicious he would bully him instead and it worked his father was proud and he would be able to check on him for his friend Camila. Draco Malfoy cared for Camila. He did feel bad for her though especially since he couldn't do anything about it he had to see everything she went through and it wasn't good it was very cruel.

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