Eternal Glory

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It was morning and everyone was headed to the Great hall like everyday to get breakfast. Harry already got the news about Camila being his half brother and Enzo being her twin and he was totally ok with it he loved Camila and that would never change. Camila was happier Mathew saw it. He loved to see her happy and not hiding any pain behind her. She still had memories flashbacks but they got better with time. When everyone was at the great hall. Dumboldore gave an announcement "GREETINGS STUDENTS HOPE YOU HAVE HAD A GOOD BREAK THIS YEAR WE HAVE DECIDED TO HOST THE TRIWIZARD TOURNAMENT AND WE HAVE INVITED 2 OTHER SCHOOLS. Everyone was looking at each other during his announcement they were all excited. "MEET THE SCHOOL BEAUXBATONS!

It was an all girl school and it was a French wizarding school of course the boys were practically drooling.

"Well this is gonna be a fun year" Theo chuckled.

"Ew" Camila said.

"Seriously Draco" Pansy saw Draco drooling over them too. They laughed.

"Sorry. But trust me I love you" Draco said to Pansy she got excited. Camila and Mathew weren't paying attention anymore.

"I bet Pansy wishes Draco was more like Mathew" Theo said telling them to look at Mathew. Mathew was looking at Camila smiling. He didn't notice the girls he only noticed and looked at her.

"NEXT WE HAVE DRUMSTRANGE" This time the girls looked. Its was an all boy school. Their was this one guy who saw Camila. His name was Viktor Krum. Everyone knew him for being good at quidditch. He didn't look away from Camila and at one point Camila looked at him. He winked and looked away from her. Camila was shocked at what he did. And of course Mathew noticed.

"Did he just"

"It was nothing Mathew remember I love you not him I don't even know who he is"

"His name is Viktor Krum" Draco said.

"Well Viktor means nothing"

"I know that Camila I trust you its him I don't trust"

When everyone got seated Dumboldore was explain the rules. The rules were simple you put your name in the goblet of fire if you wish to compete. You could only compete if you were 17 or older sense it was a dangerous thing to do. If you got chosen you could not back out of the tournament. And if you won you would be granted eternal glory. They all liked the sound of that. Some didn't that someone was Camila. Everyone was dismissed after the rules were said. A lot of people were mad about the rule of being 17 or higher. Everyone went straight to the Goblet of fire. Sense there was no school today. People already started to put there names in.

"Look Mathew" Theo pointed at the girls. Mathew looked and Fluor Delecore and she waved at him. Theo laughed "She's checking you out Mathew"


"So what you gonna do about it"

"Nothing im with Camila remember"

"Right then I can take her from you right"

"Be my guest Theo"


"What going on" Camila came out of nowhere.

"Nothing just a girl Theos interested in" Mathew said.

"But she's interested in Mathew" Mathew elbowed him.

"Its fine Mathew I trust you" Mathew smiled at her and gave her a kiss. The girl saw and got jealous. People started cheering. Krum showed up and put his name in the Goblet of Fire he saw Camila and winked at her again.



'He wont stop winking"

"You want me to punch him because I would gladly-" Camila cut Mathew off.

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