Retrieve What Was Once Yours

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Before I start this story I want to say sorry for not updating for a long time. Iv'e just been very busy but that's no excuse for leaving so unexpectedly. I will try to keep up on updating and again I'm so sorry for not updating.


It was morning Camila was waking up with Mathew right next to her sleeping. Camila got ready and started to get ready when she had a little flashback to the dream she had her scar stung. This time it hurt more. Camila ignored it. She left the dorm ready to meet Neville at the library. When she got there she saw Neville with a big book flipping pages.

"Hey Neville. What are you looking at"

"Finally your here look this is what I was talking about"

"Um a bug"

"Well yes but if you eat it-" Camila cut him off.

"Hold up if I what"

"Eat it"

"That's disgusting I have to eat a bug"

"If you want to survive the challenge then yes"

"Ugh I'm gonna vomit. But fine ill do it but what's supposed to happen"

"I think your suppose to turn into like a fish but in human form"

"That's the weirdest thing you ever said" Neville sighed.

"Camila come on im trying to help"

"Right sorry its just. A bug really" Neville sighed again.

"I'm gonna get the bug I'll give it you later" Neville left. Camila looked at the picture of the bug.

"It had to be a bug" Camila left the library. When someone bumped into her.

"Sorry" A girl said running.

"It's fine" Camila said softly picking up what fell from her pocket it was the pills Madam Pomfrey had given her. It was sealed fully sealed she hadn't opened it. She looked at it for a while then threw it in the trash. She left to the Great Hall everyone looked at her whispering. Camila had a confused look. She walked over to her friends.

"Um. What happening"

"What do you mean" Theodore said eating. Pansy rolled her eyes.

"She means why everyones looking at her" Pansy said to Theodore. She looked back at Camila. "Their looking because of-" The Great Hall door opened loudly and everyone stared. "That"


"Well that was loud" Mathew left walking towards them with everyone looking. "Well their all looking" Camila smiled and looked over at him.

"Yep they are"

"Mine telling me why you left"

"I had to go meet Neville his gonna help me with the challenge it's a long story"

"Well we have all day tell us" Pansy said.

Camila started to explain what happened yesterday and why she was late and how Neville was gonna give her a bug named a gillyweed to help her breath under water and how she had to eat it. Theodore stopped eating when she said that he lost his appetite and for him to stop eating that was a record. They all sat still talking about the challenge while everyone finally stopped looking back at them. When Breakfast was over. They all left. Camila went her separate way sense she was gonna go to Hermione. When Camila got to Hermione she saw her freaking out. Hermione was finally gonna tell Enzo how she felt and she was having a panic attack Camila reassured her that it was ok that nothing would happen and that he definitely liked her back. When Hermione finally calmed down they were walking out. Camila squealed of excitement.

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