Sorting Ceremony

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A few hours later. Camila was getting nervous waiting for the ceremony to begin.

"Guys I'm scared, what if. what if I don't get Into Gryffindor and I end up in Slytherin will you guys hate me"

"Of course not Camila your are friend no matter what house you get into"Hermione said.

"Besides your a Potter you should get into Gryffindor I mean every Potter does" said Ron. Hermione slightly elbowed him. "Oww, that hurt"

"It will be okay Camila if you get into Gryffindor or not it doesn't define who you are. I love you no matter what and I'm so happy your back. And if you get in Slytherin then its ok you will be ok and we will keep on loving you no matter what ok"

"Love me?" Camila was in shock she never heard those words said to her before. "You love me"

"Of course Camila your my sister and are friend" Camila got up from the chair as fast as she could and hugged him so tightly he could barley breath.

"Ok, Camila I can't breath Camila Camila."

"Yea oh right sorry" She said while letting go. "I just got excited."

"Has no one ever said they loved you" Hermione said softly.

Camila felt embarrassed "Um no never it's my first time even hearing those words really".

"Im so sorry Camila it must have been rough living there"Hermione said in a soft voice.

"Yea no it wasn't all that easy but I mean it doesn't matter now I'm here with you guys and I'm happy again so lets just forget about that"

"As you wish" Hermione said.

An announcement came on "Everyone report to the great hall. New comers wait outside at the court yard. We will begin are sorting ceremony shortly."

"Well we should get going see you later Camila" Hermione said while they all left the room.

Camila left to the court yard. She didn't know anyone there especially since she's been locked up most her life but she hoped to see Draco later. She couldn't find him she wondered what house he was in because she never really got the chance to ask him. That's when she bumped into someone.

"Oh my god, sorry I didn't mean to, I wasn't looking"

"Yea well next time watch where your going" A Random guy said.

"Well you don't have to be so mean about it you bumped into me too you know you can also say sorry"

"And why would I do that"

"Look I'm not looking for a fight alright"

"Fine I wasn't either your the one who started it"

"No I didn't your the one who was being mean"

"Look I don't feel like talking alright I'm here because I was ordered to be here not because I want to"

"Well that's to bad for you and for me" Camila walked away annoyed by the guy who had such an attitude towards her.

When everyone got to the Great hall the new comers came in. And their was a weird talking hat that sorted them to their Houses their was. Griffindor(bravery). Hufflepuf(loyalty). Ravenclaw(The smart ones). And Slytherin(the need to prove something and the ambition). When everyone got sorted to the houses it was only her and the guy that she bumped into. Camila was still annoyed by him she wished and wished she wouldn't get in the same house as him. And everyone started whispering Camila was confused the other guy didn't seem to care though so she just ignored.

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