Flame of a Dragon

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Camila was heading straight to the common room to find her friends. When she got there everyone that was in Slytherin was there and they were waiting for her.

"Look there she is!" Someone pointed at Camila. Camila stepped back she was already terrified of what was coming now she had to worry about the Slytherins being against her. They got closer like they were gonna interrogate her.

"Did you put your name in the fire!"

"Your a cheat!"

"Your such a disgrace!"

"You really thought entering would make you be worth something!" Camila covered her ears she couldn't take it she wanted to burst out crying. But she hid it. They wouldn't stop they kept going. Camila was terrified until someone jumped in front of her and made the people step back.

"Get back! NOW!" Camila heard that it got silent and uncovered her ears and opened her eyes. The person there grabbed Camila she flinched. "Hey its ok. Its me Mathew" Camila turned to look Mathew was there.

"Mathew" She said softly.

"Are you ok"

"No" Camila said her voice started to crack.

"Come on lets go to our dorm" Mathew led her away. It was pretty easy for Mathew to make them all back off sense mostly everyone was afraid of him because of his father. When Mathew brought Camila to their dorm he made her sit on her bed. Camila immediately started to cry. "Hey Camila its ok. No ones gonna hurt you" Mathew said in a soft voice.

"M-Mathew I-I didn't put my-my name I-in the f-f-fire" Camila said her voice was cracking she couldn't stop crying.

"I know that princess. But I need you to calm down. Please" Camila wiped her tears and tried to calm down but couldn't. "Hey you see this" Mathew grabbed her hand to show her the promise ring he gave her. "This is the ring I gave you to show you that your gonna be ok because I wont let anything happen to you I promised you that. And I wont break it" Camila nodded. She still had tears falling from her face. Mathew wiped her tears with his thumb. "Come on lay down" Camila laid down on the bed and Mathew laid down right next to her. He wrapped his hands around Camila and pulled her close to his chest. Camila slowly started to calm down by the sound of Mathews heart beat. And they stayed like that the whole night.

When it was morning Mathew woke up and saw that Camila was gone. He got up fast and was about to go find her until he saw her in her desk. He walked up behind her and wrapped his hand around her neck from behind.

"What are you doing out of bed"

"Nothing just thinking" Mathew unwrapped his hands a kneeled down next to her.

"Camila talk to me what happened. I wasn't able to hear" A tear fell down from Camila.

"They told me I was disgrace and they thought that I put my name for I could be worth something"

"I'm gonna kill them"

"No Mathew. Please. Don't leave me"

"I would never" Camila got down to the floor to hug him. "Come on lets go get breakfast"

"Wait Mathew. Can you grab my breakfast please. I don't really want anyone to see me right now"

"Of course ill be right back"

"Thank you"


Mathew walked into the great hall and everyone turned they were expecting Camila to show up. "Mind your business!" Mathew screamed everyone turned away. Except his group he walked up to them to grab the breakfast.

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