chapter 1 promise

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Nightmare was sitting next to the tree of fellings. His mom who is a tree and his brother dream who left him. He hear a small whisper. "Nightmare..." Nightmare stand up bit looking who whisper in his none existed ear. But no one was near him. He knew he may pull prank all time but this was werid. " who there?" Nightmare ask. "Nightmare it mom.." Nightmare look that tree to see a woman but couldn't see her face but she was wearing a long pink dress and her skin tone was a little warm grass color. Same with her hair and it was short. She had some gold round her too.

Nightmare stand up bit to get close look but got stop."don't come close Nightmare  there will be a chance of us face to face but right now it not the time..." she said it  sad tone. She did want to see her children beautiful face first time but had followed the rules. Nightmare confused why."why can't I see your face mom!" Nightmare ask "there are rules I have to follow Nightmare my dear but your old enough to know something I been meaning to tell you and dream but dream is a different story..." Nightmare look that ground bit nervous what his morther need to tell him.

She tool deep breathe " how much do you know about negative apples? " she ask. Nightmare " how much I know about them?" She slowly cross her arm." Yes how much do you know about them.." Nightmare " there full of negative to make a person really bad and powerful like a god and cost great pain to other and this why we guard them keep way those given in wrong hands" Nightmare repond his mom question. "There more than that.."

Nightmare look that her."what " she turn round bit looking that the sun close to set and dream was on his way here.
"Nightmare I want you promise me something.." Nightmare was stand next to her not look that her. " each time a negative apples fallen I want you to eat it." Nightmare eyes wide." I know it lot but it won't turn you bad unil you want to be bad but you can't not let anyone eat it you hear me" Nightmare " but is that risk mom!?" Nightmare try not look her face. " I know but there a balance between positive and negative like creating and destroying but this task is important and don't let anyone take gold apple too they have great power in them only you and dream are only ones to eat them"

Nightmare "but mom dream will never listen to me mom i had cost so much trou-!" Nightmare was about to hug himself than a huge hug came to his morther. " Nightmare I believe you just promised me to do as I said and nightmare don't eat too much negative apples if there too much negative apples fallen I have summons a special bag for you putt them in but you must bury them on the ground in random aus to keep balance stable " Nightmare hug his Morther tie but Nightmare felt his mom disappeared fallen on the ground. He felt dream coming close he hide his negative round him and act he was chilling sleep on the grass.

Dream pov:

I was on my way back to see my idiot brother of mine who cost so much trouble yesterday. and I had fix everything he did. I was going give him smack in face when i see him. I got to the hill to see saw him sleep on the ground and I was going smack him but a change my mind and kick him in the head. "Ow what the hell was that dream!" he look that me with anger.

" I hope you understand to stop pulling prank in village nightmare!?" I yelled that my brother not caring how he felt about this. I continued yelling him all the prank he did in village unilt he stand up and slap me in face. I felt on the floor to see nightmare give me glare his eyes weren't purple they were cray and glow.

Nightmare pov:

I want mom to stay liitle longer with me. but she couldn't Dream came and kick me in head while i was on grass and that hurts he couldn't had crack my skull was he insane!? I stand up bit to feel pain in my skull than hear dream telling me all the prank I did over village and He continued tell me more.
I want shut him up for once in his life. I stand up dream look that me confused and a slap dream really hard leaving a mark on his face.

I look that him but stop to see him nervous and scared and confused what just happened. He felt on the floor too think I was different people. I close my eyes calm down and act my myself.
"OMG DREAM ARE YOU OK!?" I fell on my knees helping dream out. "Dream who do I need kill and who given you that mark on your cheek! " I touched dream face heal him with green magic.

Dream pov:

I see nightmare close his eyes and there were purple again when he open them. He look that me in shock like he didn't remember anything. He help me out and start asking questions. He start heal the mark on my face. Nightmare was at werid I have keep a eyes on him.....

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