chapters 13 dream castal

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Dream end up getting nightmare and Luna to stay in his castle with the others wanted questions. Luna didn't felling like talking to them. Nightmare just want to get out of the Castle and back to base. Kevin was sit on nightmare lap happy. Dream was drinking tea wait for nightmare respond. They stay quiet until ink ruin it. " is anyone going to talk or were playing the quite game? Because if we're are I'm not playing " Ink stand up want to leavening the room. " go head Noone is stopping you ink" Nightmare said in a angst voice Making ink walk back from the room.

Luna fell like dreamswap ink was trying to start a mini or big reunion fight drama. She all ready see him with popcorn hide behind him. Luna move bit let the two talk while ds!ink look that her and share the popcorn. Luna use her tentacles and touch the top of the sailing to flood up in the air. She summons another tentacles to pick up ds!ink so they can have a better view.   Ink didn't say anything they were having front row seat see the drama about to happen.

Nightmare wasn't any pay attention he was worry about blue who was in the hospital and Kevin. " are you going tell me where have you been these past 2 week and who the hell is that thing next to ink?" Luna felt offended by Dream as he glare that nightmare thinking he planing something."  One Luna isn't a thing! Two why do you care so much and three what the fuck did you do to blue..." Nightmare glrow. " I don't care what she is nightmare I just want to know where the hell you been for past two weeks!  And blue is not important right now!" Nightmare stand up with anger as dream did the same. Nightmare telport Kevin to his room not want him to see this.

Error and cross walk in after getting take out for breakfast to see dream and nightmare argument and Luna ,ink float  up on the sailing. " hey what going on?" Cross ask putt down everyone breakfast.  " not right now cross I'm busy talking to Nightmare  he being stubborn " dream yelled that cross making him nervous. " hey Don't yelled that him he did nothing right now focus on yelled that me!" Nightmare yelled as corrupt dripping from his eyes.  Luna painc and when down and carefully drop down ink. Luna use her magic to take some of the corrupt but mo-ooon just had so much.

Dream saw nightmare yelled as black liquid fall in his eyes like hacker who lock up right now. And saw Luna run to Nightmare in a panic for some reason. Dream and others didn't understand what was going on. Luna want to summons her tentacles again to avoid growing another one again. But she had make up a story why moon dripping black liquid by negative and corrupt. Luna though for a minute and knew she had to do it. Well this is going hurt again..

Luna use her magic to grab more corrupt from moon. Nightmare look that her in a painc as  luna was taking too much of his corrupt than nightmare remember there early talk to each other in dreamswap....

Nightmare remember him and luna walk to dream castle sense it was far way bit. They were in the forest where black flowers only grow round here's with moon flowers grow too. Nightmare never got to know Luna that much he only know she the oldest children from night from his universe nightmare oh ways wonder what was it like being  pregnant with a kid of your own to be with you and never alone again?Nightmare "so what your role in your universe if you don't mind me asking? " Luna smile bit. Luna " I don't mind tell you moon your kinda like another version of mine mom that I dearly proctor for mine life but mine role in the universe is rise the moon and proctor mine kingdom from the sun and his kingdom we both hate each other I kinda don't know why I marry him and have kids with him than get backstab and betrayed and mine children taken way from me..." Luna said as her voice get sad bit mix with anger and hate.

Nightmare felt he made a mistake ask that "oh....I'm sorry i-"Nightmare got cut off by luna who hug him. Luna" there no need to apologize moon your like mine mom even if you didn't give birth to me but still i respect you as much as mine family or friends." Nightmare eyed wide in shock in Luna words. Nightmare was to cry but didn't want cost fight or get caght. Nightmare " your mom should be proud have a daughter like you" Nightmare said making Luna smile. Luna" yep she/he is I'm the oldest anyway I'm more mature than all of mine siblings except Horror he more mature than others" Nightmare laughter bit with Luna as they slowly walk peaceful through the forest.

The flash back end and nightmare painc he didn't want Luna to do this. He oh do remember when she tried stop the corrupt from growing.  Luna end up pass out from pain she hidden. Nightmare try to stop her but it was too late.. his corrupt was dripping from her mouth and eyes. " Luna stop your going get yourself hurt!!" Nightmare try push way Luna but she didn't move. She smiled as nightmare eyes wide more. " i-im sorry moon but I think I need to go to dreamswap void to recover I be b-( luna bone start to break Making everyone hear)back soon.." Nightmare wanted to take his corrupt out of Luna but she fall on the ground let the corrupt take her to the void of dreamswap.....

Luna" there no need to apologize moon your like mine mom even if you didn't give birth to me but still i respect you as much as mine family or friends."

Nightmare fall on his kness trying to get Luna without hurting her....

Luna" moon your like mine mom even if you didn't give birth to me but still i respect you as much as mine family or friends."

Nightmare wanted to cry but not in front of them. how could he hurt his daughter. His other self daughter by being so blind! Cross and error start stop nightmare spreading the black liquid on the floor.

Luna" i respect you as much as mine family or friends."

Nightmare felt like he didn't deserve to be call as family after what he did.

Luna" i respect you as much as mine family or friends." She smiles

Nightmare stop felt like it was too late there was his corrupt round the floor spread. Nightmare knew Luna will be back soon after she balances the new corrupt from her body. And nightmare hate that part he has to wait but for how long!! He hurt his other self daughter! He didn't mean to he was just overwhelmed and overprotective when dream call Luna a thing!! Nightmare wanted to push dream but he was a waste of time. Nightmare felt error putt his hand on his shoulder but he push way. Nightmare stand up taking the corrupt on the floor to him so dream doesn't yelled why he can't get Rid of it.

" Nightmare "" nightmare?" Cross and error said try to help nightmare. There worried about him. " I'm going to my room don't come in unless it about blue..." Cross and error look that nightmare confused what so special between them and blue? "Why blue nightmare? " error ask. And nightmare felt he didn't want to argue.  He was all ready see ink overwhelmed pull his head as dream hug him like there in romance relationship not paying attention what going on here, but good for them.

" I don't feel like arguing error just leave me alone.." he said walking way from everyone....

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