chapter 2 wanted group

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Now in present

Nightmare and his group the meme squad are the most wanted criminal in whold universe. It been years sense nightmare tile of most wanted group in the whole universe spread. And dream who ate the gold apple grow gold wings becoming so powerful. Nightmare team cross and error pull prank everywhere in the universe to get dream team out castle give Nightmare time check on something. Nightmare never told his group what it is he need in dream castle but he had purple bag full of stuff and went to random aus to do something. They oh way wonder what was in the purple bag that nightmare was worried about. It been years sense they know each other and nightmare still hasn't told them.

Doses he even trust his group?

Nightmare pov: I had checked on tree of fellings again mom to see any black negative apples have fallen yet. I hear tree shake and 10 negative apples fallen on ground. I ate one only and putt all them in special purple bag. I noticed dream position apples are turning to negative apples make sure dream doesn't noticed there missing negative Apples for me And that help me so much. I seek out dream castle again like thousand time. I did my best to not get caught by dream guards round castle.
Thank god I can shifshape anyone in castle. That was hidden magic or power for me.

I went to a aus that had too much positive and bury the bag deep in the ground. Nightmare grab random big rock and putt it on top where he bury the bag. And make secret mark on it if the rock was move where he need it to be. So Nightmare would go back fix problems. Nightmare telport back to meme squad base to see if error or cross not back. He turn on tv show the news that dream team had captured them. Nightmare eyes wide open. He grab his bow arrow sense he didn't have time grab normal weapons and telport to get cross and error back.

cross pov:

Nightmare left to seek in dream castle again and dream noticed nightmare was not with us. Dream swords attack us while error summons his string grab random tree or stuff throw that them. Nightmare wad taking which and I noticed blue wad not there in battles. I attack dream with my knife try get way from them but fail when ink hit paint on me.Me and error have been captured by dream team.. nightmare not going like this.....

Error pov

I try to break free me and cross but I wouldn't I noticed Blue had his string on us making it hard for us to move or escape. I see dream walking to us and other people record us too we were maybe live but who care nightmare will come for us as oh ways. Dream stand was next to me with pissed on his face. "Where nightmare" I roll my eyes that him."like I tell you!" I felt paint on me and it burn as hell. I screaming in pain of it. Dream look that me again "WHERE IS NIGHTMARE ERROR! "

All sum a purple arrow was summons and came fly to dream shot to his wings making him fly back to the ground. Ink and blue ran help him. I never seen those arrow before in my life. Than black purple smoke came on us. I hold my breath because the smoke smell like cigarettes and cross was doing the same we don't smoke only nightmare sense he older than us. We don't know why he smoke but he rare do it and that was good thing. I saw nightmare cut blue string and telport us back to the base. We were cover smell of cigarettes now.

Error "Nightmare you need stop smoking it not health for you or us" Nightmare glare that us. We were not act ourselves as normal days. We normal be doing meme and having fun but there are days when Nightmare can't control himself for reason. He smoking or doing something That we don't know. Nightmare may be our boss but he kept lot secret."don't worry about me but first no one is serious hurt" Nightmare look that us.

Cross" no just small burise none thing too serious" Nightmare nod and walk to his room where Kevin the demonic chicken was sleeping. Cross is still trying to eat him and end demonic chicken from attack us. We hear nightmare door slap close and we discussed being quite for rest of the day.

In Nightmare room..

I when to my room seen Kevin sound sleep in my bed. I move him bit lay down remember the promises I made with mom. It been years sense I last spoke to her. I miss her so much I want see her face just once in my life but I would never happen.  I lay down next to Kevin who felt me upset. I know Jr and his team are pretty upset of me even more. I don't even know keep promising with mom or others. plus I smell like cigarettes again I know Kevin hate smell cigarettes on me. I can all ready felt Kevin stabbed me. I got up see mad anger chickens tell me take a bath. I got up got some clothes and took shower after I was done I start noticing something my soul was changing. It was purple when last check it now half way black . Was it negative apples affecting me now but I didn't care if I was evil I was all ready wanted from Jr. I got out to see Kevin hungry I walk to him and grab corn and putt it on his plates.

I saw Kevin a happy demonic chicken joying his food. I lay down on my bed tired. I stop to feel like someone was digging something that really bad. I grab a old sweater and telport to the spot. It was outertale and look like someone been digging the rock was move.....

(MY first time making dreamswap)

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