chapters 11 NIGHTMARE!

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Moon woke up feeling like something bad really happened in his aus. Night, Luna and error were sleeping wait for moon wake up. Nightmare and luna woke up by moon negative hit the air. They saw him painc and they rushed over him make them wake up error too. Night" moon listened to me" night rap his tentacles round moon calm him down by bit of his magic. Luna use her magic that she got left calm the air of moon negative help night calm him down faster.

Moon" I n-need to go back to my universe n-night something bad happened and I d-didn't know what it i-is" moon said and he start coughing bad goof of the negative apples bit. But luna grab a trash bag and given to him before throw up on the floor. Night" I don't know if your ready to go back to your universe..." night saw making moon upset but. Moon" night I need go back please, I feel like someone I care got really hurt so bad I can't make a word what to say..." tear fall in moon eyes.

Luna" I can go with him dad?" Night look that Luna his oldest child ask to go with moon in another universe with moon. Night" your going into another universe not another aus you know?" Luna cross her arms. Luna" I have a human form no one will expect me if I'm a human? " the room got quiet bit. Error "§h3 hª§ a p0inţ " Error said making Luna smile. Night" fine but returned home when moon fully safe that your mission ok " moon and luna smile.  Luna" yes dad I won't fail " Luna said pick up moon off the bed.

Error open the portal to dreamswap with enough magic to Make it. Luna hug night before leaving. Luna" I be back soon dad!" Luna said running in the portal with moon because error wouldn't whole it for that long even if he powerful the portal to another universe take lot magic to do it. Luna and moon cross the other side land on the forest in dreamswap. Luna transformed into a human but half of her arms and leg bit of hand were showings bone but luna quick cover up.
Luna had long or short bit hair that was black and dark purple her eyes were purple and crayn. And she was wearing boots and jeans and jacket.

She help out nightmare get to his meme squad base. Nightmare "Cross...error! "
Nightmare called out but no answer. But a sticky note on the fright.


Dear nightmare if your read this we all ready left base looking for you...

We hope your ok and safe but we had team work with dream help fine you you been missing and we don't know how long we be gone from base...

We're in dream castle we're dream said we can sleep there until we found you...

I'm hoping your ok...


Luna"  so their in your dream castle? " Nightmare reread the note multiple times. Nightmare " they are but why dream than anyone in dreamswap!"  Nightmare yelled. Luna" Don't have best relationship with each other?" Luna ask Nightmare. Nightmare "well no but your?" Nightmare look that Luna. Luna" no mom and dream relationship is broken they like fight to the death until one team give up" Luna said while exited out meme squad base with nightmare.

Nightmare and luna walk to dream castle sense it was far way bit. Nightmare never got know Luna that much he only know she the oldest children from night. Nightmare " so what your role in your universe if you don't mind me asking? " Luna smile bit. Luna " I don't mind tell you moon your kinda like another version of mine mom that I dearly proctor for mine life but mine role in the universe is rise the moon and proctor mine kingdom from the sun and his kingdom we both hate each other I kinda don't know why I marry him and have kids with him than get backstab and betrayed and mine children taken way from me..." Luna said as her voice get sad bit mix with anger and hate.

Nightmare "oh....I'm sorry i-" Nightmare got cut off by luna who hug him. Luna" there no need to apologize moon your like mine mom even if you didn't give birth to me but still i respect you as much as mine family or friends." Nightmare eyed wide in shock in Luna words. Nightmare was to cry but didn't want cost fight or get caght. Nightmare " your mom should be proud have a daughter like you" Luna smile. Luna" yep she/he is I'm the oldest anyway I'm more mature than all of mine siblings except Horror he more mature than others" Nightmare laughter bit head this.

Nightmare and luna waking while talking finally reach dream castle to see bit of it destroyed. Nightmare eyes wide see where castle was destroyed. Nightmare ran with luna to see whole other side was explosion off and it hit blue area. Nightmare saw old dry blood like this happens yesterday but no dust. Nightmare " we need fine the others.." Luna nod open the codes to dreamswap with nightmare. They search up ds!dream, ds!Ink, ds!blue, ds!error, and ds!cross. They were all in a hospital closed by.

Nightmare and luna ran like the wind and nightmare was hope blue to be ok. They finally reach the hospital Nightmare ask if blue was here by a nurse or they seen dream and meme squad here. They nod led Nightmare and luna to the other who was listening to the doctor explained what they need to know....

They got there to hear the doctor said this to them. Doctor " we oh so found out he was bleeding before the expected happened his skull was bit crack...but we managed heal it. But his bone were cursh from huge brick land on him so he may not walk while " the doctor said. Dream cover his mouth bit. Dream" I shouldn't had noticed the signs of blue. None of this wouldn't happen if I didn't push him this much!" Dream yelled bit but no too allowed. Error " us too..." Error said it in guilt tone. Doctor " he oh so need to be watch for 24 hours he might be suicide too and may try take his own life..." Everyone froze bit.

As more tears fallen in there eyes in reget how they ignore blue sadness and anger......


Nightmare " what the fuck did you guys do?"

They all turn to see......

They all turn to see

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( Mine art work!!!)

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