chapter 7 day one stuck in orginal DL universe

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Mare let me stay the castle guess room sense I be stay with them for 2 days. I wonder what happened in my universe how everyone is react when they start putting missing signs of me. But I just going joy my time not being killed for last 2 days of my life. Moon hear people yelling and when to see what going on. Moon walk down to see killer tie up dust. I'm guessing dust pissed off killer and that why he tie up. I see killer grab something like small box and killer open it.

Killer " ok say ahhh" Killer pull a bug in dust face. Dust" ahhhhh" Dust Said it none scared or afraid voice. Killer got little mad and carefully pull bug back in it boxs. Killer carefully grab spider and show to Dust face. Dust again doesn't not get scared but annoying of Killer joke trying scared him but of course dust would act like he scared or killer can untie him. Dust " ahhhhh I'm so scared." Killer took deep breath grab pair gloves and a bag. Me and dust were confused why killer was putting on some gloves and now a mask?





Killer putt out owo heat cat with a knife and emo show it demon self too dust face And dust immediately start runing for his life try to escape from the rope killer had tie him up.Dust" AHHHHHHH OMG KILLER GET THAT THING WAY FROM ME!!! I SWEAR ERROR KILLED AND DESTROY EVERY SINGLE ONE THEM CROSS THE DAMN UNIVERSE!!!" Killer laughs evily. Killer" why are you running dusty don't you like cats!!" Dust want to throw up. Dust" OH HELL NO I DONT LIKE THAT THING I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF IT EVEN A CAT!" Dust yelled. Horror enter the room and stop. Both Killer and dust look that horror who all ready grab his axes.

Horror had dark face ready kill that thing that Killer is holding. Horror deadly look that them. Horror" Killer hold that thing still I'm about to end it life and make soup out of it...". Moon just stand there watching everything question what the hell was going on he had so any questions. Moon in his head thinking what the hell is that thing is it even a cat or what!?. Moon feels a portal open to see blue but not his blue but cover in lot of blood like if he was in a mission. Blue and Moon look that each other for a minute.

Blue close the portal behind him and both just sillen look that each other not knowing what to do. Unil a scream happened cross the room they both look to see Horror was chasing a owo cat round the living room after cut off it hand. And killer accident let it go because he didn't want lost a hand ir arm again by horror throwing this axe. Cross enter the room helo dust escape from the rope killer tie him up. Blue grab a big axe and when to help horror out.

( fun fact: blue HATE owo heat cat forever in his whole life after ink created half aus of one that look just like him and blue burn the whole aus Down to the ground with the help out of error. Horror hate them too but not as much of blue but he does like helping get rid of them after one mission in felllusttale aus copy try destroy a copy. Horror came back all bloody try kill all them all but lust and his twin violet said there was cure but it only last to few hours before they turn back)

Horror and blue finally killed the owo cat and was now walking to the kitchen with it. Moon" there weren't joking making it out soup right?" Moon look that them. Dust" they were only joking about making out if soup but there going making something out of it still." Dust Said after finally free from killer ropes. Cross" we just have to be careful what we're eating for dinner today I didn't think anyone like eating that thing but if it was horror or blue they would just eat it fun for some reason?"

Everyone was now look that cross awkwardly. Cross" what it truth!! I seen them do it with my own eyes!!" Cross yelled. A portal break more of the sliene... moon start a purple portal open with butterfly and moon round it in circles 💫. A big tall female skeleton enter the room wearing a black purple jacket with a hoody up. She kind look like mare too. Luna " hey guys I'm home!" The kitchen door slam open and horror run hug her with blood all over him. Horror "LUNA YOUR BACK DO YOU HAVE IT!!!" Horror smiles creepy. Luna smile too and grab a bag.

Luna" yep I have it don't let mom see it we should be cool" Horror hug luna one for time and run to grab blue who was hold a owo cat head ready to burn it but was pull out kitchen by horror. Horror ran somewhere in castle while other just mind there business.

[ I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense 😓 I have state testing tomorrow and I'm trying updating all my story and news one! And if you guys want add a meme i be happy to create one or more in story line!]

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