chapters 19 corrupt sd!blue. short

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Little did moon know he accidentally share some of the corrupt inside blue body....oh boy here we go again....

( i forgot credit go to animal-sans in this chapter too!)

Blue blush as he was about to say something......

Glitch noises

Blue crashes after the kiss, and as he start to  lash out at everyone because of the corrupt moon accidentally created.  the other are too shock and the one who barely managed to dodge. before night and moon used their tentacles to grab blue up to hold him unilt he stops wherever he doing. it's new function of his crash, self defense as he crashes. meanwhile DLV dream og (sunshine)  sense negative and get ink (paint) with blue(swap / B/ abaddon)  telport to dreamswap together by holding hands. once they arrive. they see ds!cross ,ds!error(glitch) and the JR tied up by error. while nightmare and moon were holding ds!blue back. the fighting was nearby tensed up and staring at the untied DS in the case they tried anything. ink and glitch were yelling at moon and night to let go of ds!blue and let ds!blue free them.

While birds boy was unconscious and ds!cross trying break free. sunshine summons his bow and starts firing at night, moon and error." Hisssss!" Night look back to see sunshine shooting his arrows. "§hīt đř3ªm h3r3!¿" error cussed as he dodged dream arrows.

bird boy , ink, glitch and cross freed by paint and swap. ink and glitch rushed over to dream and ds!cross launching an attack on moon as he catches him a stares of death eyesight and rambles off well putt together reason. "NIGHTMARE!! Why are you doing this!" Ds!Cross yelled wanting a reason from moon. Moon looked that cross as he was about to tell him...

When interrupting dream wake up just in time to hear moon and his reason and quickly telport over to attack. moon calmly continues blocking the attack with his tendril."  IT because of the balance in our universe cross it because the promise i made!! And i keep that promise as long as i can but now i think i got broken it.."blue wake up and moon immediately pull him away from night. Moon worried all over him since he realized he had accidentally shared stone of his corruption. which was when blue crash and was attack Everyone, the crash was trying to get rid or the corruption inside of him. blue will probably or will say it was self defense and Everyone's suddenly turn when they hear a crunching noise. it's error he who was eating  and night and others ignored him along with moon but the rest looked startled and shock.

Luna kinda suddenly wake up  and night dashes over to her try rise up her hp even more as his magic has had a chance to recover after that moon ,night and his gang with blue were get questioned. mainly about the negative apples moon had and while who were the others.....

Oh boy ....

Sorry it short again

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