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the rest of the sleepover went fine, the boys enjoying each others company with jisung very rarely speaking. now, minho found himself on top of a boulder in the woods, looking up at the moon.

"i just wish he'd let his walls down, even a little." minho sighed. "i mean, doesn't it get lonely? especially now that his best friends have made new friends. would they hang out without jisung?

"i really hope that never happens. i wouldn't be able to live with myself if i stole someone's friend group. his childhood best friends at that. but i mean, they live together. i doubt they'd ditch him for their new friends. no, they wouldn't, i have faith in them.

"but i strangely find myself...worrying...? about him. but also he irritates me. i know it's not really his fault, he's probably dealing with his own trauma. but he might as well let his walls down a little, we're a part of the friend group now. right..?

"i don't know. it's frustrating. he frustrates me. i mean, don't get me wrong, i do understand. but it kinda makes me feel kinda like shit. when i'm trying to talk to him and he just..shuts down. i worry that i'm bothering him.

"moon, what do i do?" he chuckled to himself. "i'll be going now. good night." he got up, making his way back home.


"ji, you've gotta let them in." felix sighed.

"i don't want to." jisung refused.

"can you please just stop being so stubborn!" felix slightly raised his voice. "they're going to be hanging out with us, there's no point!"

"why did we need new friends anyways?! are we not enough?" jisung scoffed.

"when did i say that?" felix questioned, a hint of hurt in his voice.

"you don't need to say it." jisung rolled his eyes.

"god why can't you just fucking stop being stubborn?! why can't you fucking accept them into our friend group? everyone else fucking loves them! they fit in perfectly, what are you so scared of!?" felix shouted.

"you know what the fuck i'm scared of." jisungs voice lowered, speaking at nearly a whisper.

"ji, they're not like that." felix sighed softly.

"you don't know that." jisung shook his head.

"i do, ji. i trust them." felix's tone softened.

"well i don't. and you know why i don't." jisungs eyes watered.

"i know. i'm sorry." felix held back tears. "i just...i miss my sungshine. i feel like they're really good people and-" felix was cut off by jisung.

"i know lix. and i'm sorry i just can't bring myself to let them in yet." jisung nodded. "i'm so sorry for being so stubborn and frustrating." tears slowly fell from his eyes.

"don't be sorry for your trauma sungs. i didn't mean to make you feel bad. im just frustrated because i want you to be laughing and talking with everyone else. i'm sorry for making you feel bad." felix shook his head as he also began crying.

"it's okay lix. i know you mean well. and i really do appreciate you expanding the friend circle. even if it sucks for me right now, i really hope they're permanent. i do like them, i just can't trust them yet." jisung pulled felix into a hug.

"let's drop this for now, yeah? we understand each other, right?" felix asked.

"yes." jisung nodded.

"cool, we'll talk again later, okay? wanna watch movies and cuddle?" felix asked gently.

"yeah. let's go." jisung smiled softly, wiping his tears.

the two went to the living room, cuddling up on the couch as jisung turned the tv on. he went to netflix, the two choosing a movie to watch. and that's how they fell asleep. cuddled up, illuminated by the light from the tv. (a/n: ILLUMINATED BY THE LIGHT ON MY LAPTOP, CHOP CHOP, IM COOKING UP A HOTPOT.)

when they woke up in the morning, changbin was in the kitchen cooking breakfast for them.

"binnie?" felix sleepily called out.

"morning sunshines." he smiled softly. "did you two sleep well?"

"the best i've had in years." jisung replied as he got up to get a glass of water.

"good. breakfast will be done soon." changbin smiled softly.

"how'd you get in?" jisung asked.

"i watched you put the passcode in the night i came over here." changbin shrugged.

"oh my god bin." jisung sighed, letting out a laugh.

"your fault, not mine." changbin shrugged.

"do i smell waffles?" felix asked.

"yes you do." changbin nodded.

"oh my god i've been craving waffles for so long." felix got up, joining the two in the kitchen.

"i know, you told me." changbin nodded.

"sung in gonna marry him and have his babies." felix sighed as he laid his head on his best friends shoulder.

"well, he has to be your boyfriend first." jisung chuckled.

"we can skip all those unnecessary steps." felix shook his head.

"you give me a headache." jisung laughed.

"what, do you want me to have your babies instead?" felix asked playfully, winking at him.

"yes felix, only im allowed to father your children." jisung let out a sigh.

"okay, sorry changbin hyung." felix shrugged.

"that's more like it babygirl." the two laughed.

"did you just steal your best friend from me after setting us up?" changbin laughed.

"oh, baby don't get it wrong, he was here first. and will always come first." felix giggled.

"yeah, get it right." jisung stuck his tongue out.

"my bad, i take it back." changbin chuckled, holding his hands up in surrender.

"now, finish cooking our breakfast." jisung smiled.

"what am i, your maid?" changbin rolled his eyes.

"of course not honey. you're our housewife." felix smiled.

"yeah, don't be silly." jisung nodded.

"you guys are crazy." changbin laughed.

"only the best." the two answered in unison.

a/n: i hate it here I AM JUST A GIRL.

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