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"i'm gonna go hang out with my best friends today." jisung announced as he was laying with minho in his bed.

"okay ji, have fun." minho smiled sweetly. "and let me know when you're on your way back, if you are."

"i'll be back." jisung nodded. "i'll make sure to let you know."

"okay, go have fun." minho smiled as jisung got up.

"i'll text you, hyung." jisung waved as he left the room.

a few minutes later, his moms knocked on the door before entering.

"hi moms." minho smiled as he sat up.

"hi hun." heejin smiled as she and her wife took a seat on the bed.

"what's up?" minho asked.

"we just haven't really talked to you in a while you know? what's been going on in our boys world?" jinah asked gently.

"nothing much. mainly hanging out with jisung." minho shrugged.

"you two have gotten really close. honestly closer than we expected." heejin chuckled lightly heartedly.

"yeah...can i talk to you guys about something that's been on my mind?" minho looked up at them, his lips in a slight pout.

"of course hun." heejin nodded.

"i just..." he started, exhaling. "i really like him. actually, i'm in love with him. and it's so overwhelming sometimes because i can't tell him. moms, what do i do?"

"why can't you tell him, hun?" jinah furrowed her brows as she spoke softly.

"because it was so hard to get him to let us be friends. i know about his trust issues and i don't want to try and start something he's not ready for. and i don't even know if he likes me back! what if i make him uncomfortable?" minhos frown deepened.

"well, keeping it in isn't going to make it any easier hun. as humans we always think about the negative what if's and never the positive ones. what if he does love you back? what if his feelings are just as overwhelming as yours?

"part of any relationship is communication, hun. if you feel ready to, tell him your feelings. talk about your feelings and his feelings, how he feels. if he does love you back, talk about what steps to take next. what he's comfortable with and what you're comfortable with. communicate." heejin gently held her sons hand.

"and what if he doesn't return my feelings?" minho asked quietly.

"again with the negative what if's." heejin tsked. "then you accept it and move on, hun. it will hurt like hell but you will be okay, i promise."

"but he's already got so much going on right now." minho frowned.

"it sounds like you're just making up excuses now." jinah chuckled. "i was getting abused by a homophobic father and dealing with an alcoholic mother when i got with your mom. honey, tell him your point of view."

"i also thought she had too much going on. but i took my chances and confessed to her. and we started dating. tell him more of your view." heejin spoke softly.

"it honestly helped make it more bearable. because i had reassurance and support. now, i know it may be different for him but i still think you should try. you're going to try lots of things in life and you'll either fail or succeed. you'll never know if you don't try.

"if you fail, you will pick yourself back up again. don't be afraid to tell him that you love him. you never know, it could be exactly what he needs to hear." jinah held his other hand.

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