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"hey moon, it's me." jisung exhaled smoke as he laid on the boulder, looking up at the moon. "i went to talk to my mom today. i think she's faking a smile for my sake.

"i don't want her to think she has to pretend to be okay around me. she tried to kill herself, i know she's not well. we're all human. i want her to be okay and i know she's not. and it hurts so badly.

"my father is a disgusting piece of shit and i want him dead. he deserves to burn in hell. and i don't even fucking believe in hell!" he chuckled.

"anyways, i keep thinking about minho hyung. i'm not falling in love...right? no way." he quickly dismissed. "but he makes me feel so safe and warm. he's so kind and patient and he's quick to hold me when i need it. he's literally my ideal type.

"tell me moon, am i falling in love?" he looked up at the moon as his mind drifted.

you're in love.

han jisung, you're in love.

"no. i can't." jisung didn't notice he started crying. "i can't be in love with him." he cried out.

"i'm not in love." he stood up, putting out his cigarette and drying his eyes. "i'll talk to you later, moon."

he walked back to his car, getting in and driving back to minho's house. when he entered he was immediately hit with the smell of fresh baked cookies. he excitedly took his shoes off.

"hyung, i'm gonna go change. i'll be back." jisung called out.

"okay hannie, i'll be in the kitchen!" minho called back.

jisung quickly made his way to minhos room, changing into a sweater and sweatpants. he walked downstairs and back to the kitchen. minho smiled softly at him as he put the cookies he baked onto a plate.

"i'm making the hot chocolate." he spoke gently.

"thank you hyung." jisung walked up to him, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"anything for you. how was visiting your mom?" minhos voice was so soft.

"it was okay. i think she's pretending to be doing better than she is because of me and it makes me sad." jisung answered quietly.

"well, let's get your mind off of your hectic life for a little. let's go watch howls moving castle." minho smiled as he turned to look at him.

"sounds perfect." jisung whispered. i could kiss him.

"i'll just finish the hot chocolate first." minho nodded slowly.

"okay hyung." jisung nodded. love...?

jisung let go of minho, sitting at the counter to watch him finish making the hot chocolate. he watched with his face in his hands and hearts in his eyes.

love? i don't know. but he's so...perfect. i know he told me humans can't be perfect but he's as perfect as it gets. i...i can't fall in love. it's too risky.

"ji? the hot chocolate is done." minho called out.

"oh, let me help you." jisung grabbed the cookies as minho carried their mugs.

they walked into the living room, setting everything on the coffee table. they sat down and minho pulled the blanket over both of them. he opened his arms to cuddle jisung as he pressed play. jisung smiled happily as his arms wrapped around minho.

"try the cookies." minho held one to jisungs mouth.

jisung happily took a bite, looking up at minho with wide eyes.

"they're so good!" jisung exclaimed happily, taking another bite.

minho chuckled as jisung took one more bite, finishing the cookie.

"i'm glad you like them." minhos eyes were filled with adoration as he looked at the blue boy in his arms.

i like you more. "what's the secret to making the best cookies?" jisung asked with a playful smile.

"hmmmm...a magician never tells his secrets." minho mirrored his playful expression.

"but i'm special!" jisung groaned.

"fine i'll tell you. BUT! you have to promise not to tell anyone." minho kept a playful tone.

"i promise!" jisung nodded.

minho leaned down to jisungs ear. "they're made with lots and lots of love." he whispered.

"wow...no wonder." jisung was blushing furiously as minho leaned away.

"that's the key to making anything." minho shrugged.

"well, keep adding love to all your recipes." jisungs heart begged to be free from his ribcage as butterflies swarmed his stomach.

"always when i'm making something for you." minho nodded.

han jisung, you're in love with him.

"the hot chocolate!" jisung gasped as he detached himself from minho. "it'll get cold!"

minho giggled as he also reached over, the two grabbing their mugs. jisung had a pleasantly surprised look on his face as he took a sip.

"okay, how'd you make this?" jisung questioned.

"milk, hot chocolate powder, cinnamon, lots and lots of love, marshmallows, topped with whipped cream, marshmallows, and cinnamon." minho listed.

"this is the best hot chocolate i've ever had." jisung took another drink.

"thank you, thank you." minho smiled, taking a sip.

"you're like, actually the best." jisung smiled warmly. i'm falling in love with you.

"thank you ji." please stop making me fall deeper. i can't escape my feelings for you and that's dangerous.

"of course min." i can't fall in love. i can't risk it. please stop making me fall in love with you.

"would you live in howls moving castle?" minho suddenly asked.

"hell yeah. especially with howl." jisung nodded, a smile playing at his lips.

"what, is he your boyfriend?" minho playfully scoffed.

"oh yeah. didn't you know?" jisung laughed and minho knew he could never tire of the sound.

"well, i wish you two the best." minho dramatically sighed. "unless you're looking for a third?"

"hyung!" jisung was on the brink of tears as he laughed.

"just saying, i'm available." minho shrugged, a smile playing at his lips.

"i'll talk to him." jisung shrugged. "WAIT I LOVE THIS PART!" he shouted as his eyes focused back onto the screen.

minho giggled, the two falling into a comfortable silence as they watched the movie.

a/n: i love the longing so bad.

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