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"hey honeys." jinah smiled as she entered the house, hand in hand with heejin.

"hi moms." minho smiled, groggily sitting up with jisung still in his arms.

they had fallen asleep cuddled on the couch during their movie last night.

"it's okay, stay seated." heejin chuckled as she watched her son gently try to untangle himself from the blue boy in his arms.

"is something wrong?" minho asked, jisung slowly waking up in his arms.

"uhm, we just wanted to talk to you about something. both of you, actually." jinah hesitantly spoke as she sat down.

"hm?" jisung sleepily sat up.

"so, the doctors wanted to put sunhwa into a mental hospital." heejin started.

"what?" jisungs voice came out quietly, even if he was now wide awake.

"it took a lot of convincing, and money, but she's going to be staying with us for a while." jinah added.

"is mental help not something she needs though?" jisung questioned softly.

"she begged and pleaded for them not to send her away. she agreed to starting therapy and the process of divorcing that disgusting bastard. your cousin, yuna, wants to take over the company and fix it from the inside out." heejin explained gently. "so while your mom is working on getting better she's going to be staying with us. partly to ensure her safety, but mostly because she's our best friend and we'd do anything for her."

"okay." minho nodded. "should i get a room ready for her?"

"don't worry about it honey, we will handle that. we'll be getting her discharged this afternoon." jinah smiled sweetly.

"okay mom." minho smiled. "jisung, will you be staying here?"

"i don't want to leave my friends, so i'll go back to my apartment...eventually. maybe in a few days." jisung spoke quietly.

"okay ji." minho ruffled his hair. "should i make us breakfast?"

"don't worry honey, we can do that." jinah shook her head.

"mom. you've both been crazy busy. let me cook breakfast." minho got up, jisung following and helping collect their dishes from last night.

"thank you, sweetheart." jinah smiled softly.

"i'll help." jisung smiled at minho.

"by help do you mean sit there and stare at me with heart eyes?" minho giggled.

"same difference. i'm keeping you company, aren't i?" jisung playfully rolled his eyes as they walked to the kitchen.

"i really hope they end up together." heejin sighed with a soft smile.

"i know. they're obviously so in love with each other. but, can they admit it to themselves?" jinah cuddled up to her wife.

"i don't know. their actions flow so naturally but there's a hint of hesitance in their eyes." heejin intertwined their fingers.

"well, you remember what that's like, don't you?" jinah chuckled.

"i remember it all too well." she giggled. "looking at you and tucking your hair behind your ear when i wanted to scream to the world that i love you."

"they're young, and dumb. they're growing together without realizing it. and you know our minho can only bite his tongue for so long." jinah spoke with a look of adoration written on her face.

"they'll figure it out." heejin nodded.

"i'm so proud of us. we were in their shoes once. and now we get to watch our own son navigate these feelings." jinah pressed a gentle kiss to her wife's lips.

"i love you. i'm so proud of the life we've built." heejin smiled.

"i love you." jinah responded with a soft smile.

the two connected their lips in a soft, gentle kiss.

"hey mom- OH MY GOD SORRY!" minhos voice disappeared just as quickly as it was there.

the two women broke apart, giggling as they got up and went to the kitchen.

"i didn't mean to interrupt." minho mumbled as they walked in.

"you're fine honey. what's up?" jinah laughed.

"hang on, i'm embarrassed. i just saw my moms kissing." minho crinkled his nose.

"i think it's nice." jisung shrugged. "be glad you get to see a good representation of love. i never saw my parents kiss. or even hug. never heard them say they love each other. i adore what your moms have and honestly, i'm kind of envious." he rambled.

"forget about the representation of 'love' that you were raised around and create your own definition." jinah smiled softly.

with minho...god i want to redefine it with minho.

han jisung, i will help you redefine love. but only if you let me.

thoughts swarmed the boys heads, their attention being brought back by heejin giggling softly.

"what'd you need honey?"

"oh- i was going to ask what you guys felt like eating." minho looked over at them. "ji and i are too indecisive so i don't know what to make."

"eggs with sausage and onions. and rice." heejin smiled.

"okay, i'll start preparing." minho nodded. "ji, can you make some rice for us please?"

"of course." jisung nodded, getting up to make the rice.

"okay, we'll leave you guys to it." jinah smiled as she walked away with her wife.

"make sure to wash it well." minho instructed as jisung began to clean the rice.

"min, i know how to make rice." jisung giggled.

"i didn't think you could cook." minho shrugged.

"i can." jisung scoffed offendedly. "i just prefer when you cook."

"why?" minho giggled as he watched the blue boy rinsing the rice.

"because all your meals are made with love." jisung smiled teasingly. "you must be FULL of love if your meals taste as good as they do."

"let me pour it out for you." minho whispered quietly. words of longing left unheard to the ears that he desperately wished had heard him.

"rice is cooking." jisung smiled as he pressed the button on the rice cooker.

"thanks ji." minho smiled softly. 

"of course." jisung returned his soft smile.

love. i will redefine love.

if jisung could find a way to define love, it was the man in front of him. his soft smiles and corny jokes. the way he takes care of everyone around him. the way he listens attentively.

jisung believes that lee minho is so full of love. it sparkles in his eyes and shines through his smiles. it shows in his actions. and jisung can only hope that one day, lee minho will pour out his love for him. as much as minho wants to protect jisung, jisung swears he will be minhos shield. he will protect him from the harshness of the world that all seems to disappear when they're together.

a/n: i am sad i love this book so much. also, some heejinah content because i heart them so much.

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