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"and where are you going?" seungmin asked as jisung set his bag down, putting his shoes on.

"minho hyung is almost here, i'm gonna sleepover at his house." he quickly responded as he tied his shoes.

"oh? thanks for the invite." felix teased with a smirk.

"no invite. he invited only me." jisung said as he stood up, picking his bag up. "he's here, bye, i love you guys!" he rushed.

"bye, we love you! use protection!" felix shouted back.

"i hope they break the tension and just fuck." jeongin laughed as the door slammed shut.

jisung took a deep breath as he impatiently waited for the elevator to stop on the first floor. he quickly walked out, seeing minho's car waiting outside as he pushed the glass doors open.

"hey ji." minho smiled as he got out, taking jisungs bag from him.

"hey min." jisung blushed as minho opened the passenger door for him.

"i'll put this in the back and then we'll go to my house." minho smiled as he carefully shut the car door.

god damn i fold fast.

"i'm so excited to re-dye my hair." jisung smiled as minho got into the driver's seat.

"yeah? that's good." minho smiled softly.

jisungs mind replayed minhos tone in his head over and over again. yeah? played through his mind as minho turned to look at him.

"you okay?" minho asked gently.

"yeah, i'm good." jisung nodded, a soft smile spreading across his face. "can i smoke in here?"

"only if you share with the driver." minho nodded.

jisung smiled as he placed a cigarette between minho's lips. minho could feel his heart trying to break free from his chest as jisung leaned closer, lighting the cigarette.

"don't do that while i'm driving." minho mumbled as he took a drag.

"what? you like it?" jisung smirked.

"yes. it was hot." minho nodded honestly as he took the cigarette from between his lips, placing it between jisungs.

jisung blushed at minhos honesty, taking a drag from the cigarette.

"what do you wanna do after uni?" jisung asked curiously.

"i want to open my own dance studio." minho smiled.

"that would be so cool!" jisung gasped.

"yeah." he nodded softly. "what about you?"

"i want to be a producer." jisung replied.

"do you currently write music?" minho asked.

"yes." jisung nodded.

"you'll have to show me." minho smiled.

"maybe." jisung shrugged. "can i ask you a question?" he asked as they pulled into minhos driveway.

"go ahead." minho nodded as he put the car in park, turning to face jisung.

"why'd you invite only me to sleepover?" the question that had been on jisungs mind all week finally being asked.

"i just wanted alone time with you." minho shrugged.

"oh, really?" jisung was struggling with how to take that answer as he unbuckled.

"yeah. i like being around you. and i like when all your attention is on me." minho unbuckled, taking the cigarette from between jisungs lips to take a drag.

jisungs heart fluttered, butterflies erupted in his stomach as minho blew the smoke into his face.

"let's go inside." minho smiled, opening the car door and putting the cigarette out.

jisung got out of the car as minho grabbed his bag, leading him into the house.

"my moms are on a business trip in thailand, so it'll just be us." minho spoke as he closed the door. "we can head up to my room."

"okay." jisung nodded as he followed minho up the stairs.

the two entered minhos room, the man setting the bag down by his closet and sitting on the bed. jisung stood awkwardly, looking around the room.

"you don't have to be so awkward you know." minho chuckled.

"sh." jisung dismissed.

"hey ji, come here." minho called out softly.

jisung slowly approached him, standing right in front of him. minho grabbed jisungs waist and pulled him onto the bed. jisung let out a squeal in surprise while minho giggled to himself.

"min!" jisung shouted.

"i like when you call me that." minho softly called out. "no one really calls me that."

the two were now laying next to each other. jisung looked over, turning to lay on his side as they talked. minho followed suit, turning to lay on his side as well.

"i like when you call me ji." jisung responded softly. it sounds so pretty coming from your mouth.

"noted, ji." minhos hand reached out, tracing shapes onto jisungs bicep.

"you know, i really didn't want to let you in." jisungs eyes stayed on the finger softly tracing on his skin. "but there's something so irresistibly safe about you. last time i slept over, i threw up. my anxiety was really bad and you took care of me. regardless of how i shut you out, you took care of me."

"well of course. you're human, ji. you deserve someone to take care of you when you're not well. everyone does." minho responded as their eyes looked softly into each others.

"thank you so much. i really do appreciate your care. i wanted to hate you so bad, even if it makes me hate myself. i wanted to hate hyunjin and chan hyung too though, so it's okay." jisung let out.

"ouch, so i'm not special?" minho kept his tone soft but playful.

"we have a different type of bond. of course you're special." jisung softly responded.

"i agree. i think we click really well." minho nodded. "i think you're my soulmate, ji." he whispered.

"i think you're my soulmate, min." jisung whispered back just as softly.

minho smiled softly, turning to lay on his back. jisung did the same, staring up at the ceiling.

soulmates...? soulmates.

a/n: i am so so single.

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