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"hi jisung!" heejin and jinah approached the blue boy.

"hi!" jisung smiled, bowing to the women as he looked around.

"have you seen your mom?" jinah asked.

"she was in the kitchen with my dad. do you know where minho hyung is?" jisung responded.

the two women exchanged a look of surprise, looking back at jisung.

"he was in the living room talking to changbin." heejin smiled.

"thank you!" jisung quickly walked out of the dining room, his eyes searching for his two friends.

"minho hyung! changbin hyung!" jisung smiled as he approached his friends. he looked around, quickly pulling them into a group hug.

"someone's excited today." changbin chuckled.

"you're taking felix on a date!" jisung playfully poked his arm.

"yes, i am." changbin smiled.

"where to?" jisung asked.

"i'm not telling you. you're his best friend." changbin shook his head.

"cmoooonnnn!" jisung groaned. "i'm taking him shopping i NEED to know the occasion."

"nope. i told him dress casually." changbin refused.

"you're our housewife, don't be like this." jisung shook his shoulder.

"am i being a bad housewife wife? will you divorce me?" changbin playfully pouted.

"we both will." jisung shrugged.

"jisung!" seungwoo walked over, grabbing his arm. "stop being so touchy. people will get the wrong idea." he mumbled into his ear.

jisung just took a deep breath, nodding his head. "yes, father." he responded quietly.

seungwoo walked away, minho and changbin looking at jisung confused.

"what was that?" minho asked.

"he told me to stop being touchy or people will get the wrong idea." jisung mumbled to them. "i'm gonna fucking kiss a boy in front of him and watch him have a heart attack."

"well i'm trying to make felix my boyfriend so that leaves you with minho." changbin shrugged.

"come here honey, let's go make out in front of him." minho smirked.

"shut-!" jisung sighed. "do you guys wanna ditch this place in a little bit? we can go to my place. and invite chan and hyunjin."

"sounds good." minho nodded.

"you know i wouldn't object." changbin smiled.

"yeah, you fucking broke in." jisung rolled his eyes.

"yeah, to find you cuddling my boyfriend." changbin rolled his eyes playfully.

"we put each other first, and don't be too butthurt, you're our housewife. breakfast was amazing." jisung teased.

"okay, okay. i accept it." changbin giggled.

"what am i then? chopped liver?" minho scoffed.

"no you're our-" jisung cut himself off. "uhm...you're...we will decide when you show us your assets."

"okay, you'll see." minho nodded.

the guests were all called for dinner, the three friends sitting next to each other across from their parents.

the dinner went on with boring conversation, none of the three paying attention until the attention was brought to jisung.

"so han jisung, you're getting older. when are you getting married?" an older man asked from across the table.

"uhm...i guess when i find the right person." jisung nodded awkwardly.

"don't worry, if he's not married within the next couple of years i found the perfect girl for him." seungwoo smirked.

"what?" jisung dropped his utensils.

"you'll like her!" seungwoo laughed, playing off how jisungs discomfort pissed him off.

"you're not arranging me." jisung shook his head.

"we will talk later." seungwoo replied.

"i have nothing to talk about with you. especially not on the subject of my love life." jisung shook his head.

"and what about seo changbin?" the man asked.

"who knows. sooner or later." changbin shrugged.

"wow, you've grown into such a man." he nodded. "she's a lucky girl."

"he's a lucky guy." changbin corrected, his piercing eyes glaring daggers into seungwoo who's face visibly turned to one of disgust.

"oh, i'm sorry." the man awkwardly laughed.

"is there a problem, seungwoo?" mr. seo asked.

he was one of the hans most important investors.

"no, not at all." seungwoo shook his head.

"who's the lucky guy?" sunhwa asked sweetly.

"i'll introduce you to him." changbin smiled.

the rest of the dinner went on, more boring conversation carrying the atmosphere.

"let's go." jisung whispered as people finished eating.

"han jisung. you better not go anywhere." seungwoo demanded.

"fuck." jisung muttered. "i'll be in my room." he walked away, minho and changbin following him up the stairs.

"han-a, is everything okay?" minho asked gently as he shut his room door.

"fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck." jisung paced his room.

"sung?" changbin called out.

"listen to me very carefully." jisung started. "when everyone leaves, he's going to call me to his office. i need you two to go to my apartment. just go. leave without me. i will be there later. changbin hyung i know you know the passcode already.

"just...prepare a first aid kit and keep me away from the bathroom. tell felix that seungwoo got mad and made me stay back. he will help you prepare everything when i get back. don't overload me with questions, just...comfort me. please. take care of me." jisung breathed out.

"you're really scaring me..." changbin gently grabbed his arm. "should we call someone?"

"no. please don't. i can't escape him it will only make things worse. believe me i've tried. the police don't do anything as soon as money is involved." jisung shook his head.

"i don't think you should stay. let's leave." minho spoke hesitantly.

"hyung, i appreciate it i really do. but i can't escape him. if i leave he will just send people to kidnap me." jisung shook his head.

"oh my god he's fucking crazy." changbin gasped.

"i know. please just do as i told you to. i will be okay." jisung breathed out.

and so peopled headed to their cars. leaving the residence. and with them, minho and changbin hesitantly left, going to jisungs apartment.

a/n: it's about time i added proper angst especially because today was so shitty for me. but we pull into hawaii tomorrow!!

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