certain things are just unexceptable

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a crack resonated in the causing all within ear shot to come running.

Slap!! what the hell is wrong with you, Odessa
nothing but do wonder what's wrong with you Oscar  you may be, but you are not acting like
Oscar, I'm a grown man as obviously, knowing being my twin and sister, I have certain needs
Odessa, so you go for the ladies in that place, and I use the word "lady" to show them some form of kindness
but you bedding them is unexceptable you are king you can not do that ever as long as you sit In the thrown
Oscar, who told you this lie
Odessa, what's the matter with you? Just do what is expected as king and try not to stain our family name again
Oscar stormed out of castle
knowing Odessa wouldn't dare to follow him

Vivienne, he will keep going to this woman regardless of what you say it's like she has some hold on him
Odessa, you're not saying this woman is a witch. Are you
Vivienne witches have been known to ruin an entire blood line without the use of a sword
Odessa, how is that possible
Vivienne, if she is a witch and has control over Oscar, she probably has been feeding him something. Herbs are very powerful.
Odessa and how do we find out who and what this woman is up to
Vivienne she wants what you have. This is the castle complete control she is filled with greed.
Odessa, okay, so how do we find out what or who he has been bedding
Vivienne, that is Something only the men around might be able to help you with
Odessa, have you spoken with your parents recently
no, they are still away. I couldn't even send a man out to find them
Odessa, why not
Vivienne, they are out to sea
Odessa, then we will fix this mess. My dear brother has gotten himself and possibly us into.

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