who are you?

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Ares knew she was more than some witch, and that fact alone scared the hell out of him.

Mave follow me this room is where it happened
Ares wha
Mave put her finger over her lips, silencing him.

he watched as two large men dragged a screaming girl into the room, throwing her onto the floor, then began kicking and stomping her William
entered, he stood over the the badly beaten girl laughing, then leaned down over her
so she could hear his venomous words. Now you can join Landon
he then had one of his men stab the girl in her throat she was left to bleed to death slowly.
Mave that was his own
daughter Tia he disappeared after her murder he thought he'd be safe at his brother's farm, but nothing lasts forever.

Mave follow me
Ares, who are you your no witch
Mave stopped you will soon find out now come.

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