1| Strength & Flight

68 0 3

POV: ...

He was looking at the picture and grinning weirdly again.

"We should go see them."

I stared at him in confusion.


He flipped the picture over for me to see.


"We can go now!"

He rushed off and started packing things. I shook my head fondly as I got up. I never saw him this keyed up before. Maybe he had this planned for a while...

"Hurry up!"


POV: Sonic

I shook off the morning dew as I jumped off Tails' roof. I know, people think, What do you mean you sleep on the "roof"?! It's a personal preference and not because Tails kicks me out the house for some stupid reason like.... (and this is what Shadow said)....snoring. I don't snore.

Sonic Sez: Don't jump off roofs kids. You'd die.

I went into the kitchen and rustled up some of my special breakfast that I like to call my Eat 'N' Run Oats. If I was a careless brother, Tails would've probably starved. He has this serious addiction with mints that he'd probably eat them for every single meal!

"Sonic? You stink."

"Good morning Sonic, did you sleep well? Good morning to you too, Tails. I had a good sleep, how about you?"

Honestly, what happened to using manners? He sat down opposite me, chuckling.

"Alright, sorry. Thanks for the breakfast, Sonic."

"See? It wasn't so hard, was it? So, what's the task today?"

Recently, Eggman stopped attacking so everyone had a lot more peace and free time. It was hard to believe but, one day, he just announced that he's not up to it anymore. No, unfortunately, it doesn't mean he finally came to his senses and did the moral thing. I think he did his back in and had to retire.

Now that ruining Egghead's plans are off my schedule, I have a lot of spare time, Knuckles has...one less person to worry about, I guess? And Tails wants to be more independent and investigate scientific stuff on his own.

They grow up so fast.

"Probably to the warehouse. I saw an advert saying they had a discount on osmium, tungsten..."

I have no idea what he waffles about half the time but I support him.

"But you really need a shower."

"Ugh, fine."

After my quick shower, there was a knock on the door. I threw the door open whilst Tails peers behind me with his goggles.

"Could you look after these three? We're all busy."

It was Espio with Charmy, Cream and Cheese. I glanced at Tails.

"I'm going to the warehouse but Sonic would be glad to do so. Right, Sonic?"

Wow. Thanks buddy.

"Great. Thank you Sonic."


And....he left. I glared at Tails who shrugged.

"The warehouse would be too boring for them. Have fun Sonic."

Then he left me with them. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind children. But sometimes...how would you feel if you were once known as the world's fastest hedgehog and hero to now be known as....Sonic the Babysitter?!

They rushed in eagerly.

"So, what are we going to do Sonic?"

"Are we going to have a tea party, Mr. Sonic?"

"Chao, chao!"

"Alright, alright, calm down. We'll....have a picnic at the park. How does that sound?"



I had sorted them out in the kitchen. I made chili dogs (what a surprise) whilst Cream and Cheese made cookies and Charmy made his tooth-decayingly sweet concoction. I looked over at them.

"So, why is everyone busy?"

"Gemerl went to see Omega, Mother and Mr. Vector are taking Chocola somewhere, I think."

"And Espio says that he's got training to do."

"That sounds sceptical. He's a ninja, it's normal for him, right?"

"He doesn't normally kick me out the house when he does! Maybe he's seeing someone too, hehe..."

Cream clasped her hands together.

"Aw, that's sweet. Whoever it is, I hope Mr. Espio has a great time with them."


Charmy shrugged and licked his spoon clean. I put the food in the basket.

"When are you going to go on a date, Mr. Sonic?"

I nearly dropped the basket.

"Oh, look at the time! Let's get going."


I should get a medal. Just call me the best chao/child-minder on the planet. I bought the trio ice-cream with ridiculous amounts of toppings from the van and now they're playing amongst themselves at the swings.

I smile and look at the practically empty park. There were just two red and yellow figures walking in the distance. It must be Knuckles and Tails.

I sighed happily and lay down on the picnic blanket...my eyelids drooping...drifting....


Wait, Knuckles!?

I sit upright and whip my head towards the same direction but the two people were gone. They must've been some other people. Knuckles would only leave his island for some dire reason. And Tails is off having fun looking at complicated items.

"Sonic the Hedgehog!?"

My ears perk up at the sound and I look around. A girl was standing in front of me.

"It is! Sonic the Hedgehog is at the park!"

She yelled so loud, took a pic of me with flash on and in no time, I was surrounded by fans.

"Sonic! Look here!"

"Can I take a photo?"

"Can I have your autograph?"

"Can you sign my shirt?"

"Can you sign my forehead?"

Crazy people are all around the world. But I do what they want just to please them. Besides, I couldn't exactly take off and ditch the children.

Surprisingly, they didn't even notice them. On the other hand, they probably didn't want to be near two hyper children with a chao. Maybe the ice-creams weren't a great idea.

I quickly went through the unplanned Meet & Greet, taking photos with people who I'll probably forget the moment I go home.

I'm not careless. It's just that having lots of people in your face is too much for anyone to handle. And I think it's related to Tails explaining about curves or something when he showed me a bunch of graphs. Not like I learned anything but still.

It was the afternoon now and I'm down to the last few people. I yawned and stretched as I asked for the umpteenth time, "Photo, autograph, both or something else?"

"Aw, don't you remember us, Sonic?"

Please don't let it be another fan being upset because I forgot them...

I raised my head and did a double take. What I saw before now made sense. It wasn't Knuckles and Tails but it was someone strong and someone who could fly.

"Mighty and Ray!"

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