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POV: Mighty

We only began searching for Sonic and his friends this morning.

We were walking through the park when we probably saw him. Well, Ray said it was him. I thought, what were the chances?

Ray sometimes wonders why I act so pessimistic but the truth is, I think stuff out. I don't really think miracles just magically happen.

We moved on but then we saw a whole surge of people going to the park. Ray looked at me.

"Do you think...."

I sighed and chuckled, "Come on, let's ask then."

I gently tapped the closest person.

"Excuse me, may I know why you're all going to the park?"

The person looked at me with astonishment.

"Haven't ya heard? Sonic the Hedgehog's at the park! Better go before he runs away!"

"Thank you, sir."

I watched as he hurried with crowd. Ray nudged me, giving me the 'I told you so' look.

I rolled my eyes. "Let's go see Sonic, Little Guy."


It was the first time I saw Sonic acting tired. He wasn't even looking at us properly.

"Photo, autograph, both or something else?"

Ray was a bit disappointed and piped up, "Aw, don't you remember us, Sonic?"

He finally focused his eyes on us.

"Mighty and Ray!"

Sonic hugged us both then ruffled Ray's hair and playfully punched my arm.

"It's been so long, it's good to see you two! How are you?"

"Great! Me and Mighty have been on so many adventures just like you have!"

"What about you, Sonic? Where're Tails, Amy and Knuckles?"

"Tails went to the warehouse this morning. Amy....could be at her house? And Knuckles is still on the Island."

"Sonic! Sonic! Cheese is stuck in the swing chains!"

A familiar bee and an unfamiliar bunny came flying to Sonic.

"How did you manage to-? Fine, I'll get him."

He dashed off to untangle whoever this 'Cheese' was. The bunny looked at us.

"Oh, hello! Were you talking to Mr. Sonic-"

She was cut off by a loud gasp and I found two arms around my neck. If it was any other person, they would've been strangled.


"Nice to see you too, Charmy- what do you mean 'dead'?"

He dismissed the question and retracted his arms. "Whoops, I didn't hurt you, did I? Hehe."

Ray and the bunny spectated us, one full of awe and the other with bemusement. Sonic came back, carrying a chao with a red bowtie. The chao flew into the bunny's arms.

"I swear, I am never going to give you guys anymore sweets in the future." Sonic had his hands on his hips.

I snickered, "You have babysitting duties now?"

"Hush, it's nothing permanent!" He swiped his hand at me, but despite his speed, I felt none of the impact and continued chuckling.

"Who's this, Mr. Sonic?"

"Oh crap, things have gone so fast, I forgot about intros! OK, Charmy, Cream and Cheese, Mighty and Ray."

He nodded in both directions.

We walked out of the park, Charmy buzzing about.

"I can't wait for Vector and Espio to see you! So much has happened, Vector has a girlfriend now, hehe..."


We went to the Chaotix's home. Sonic started filling me and Ray about all the new friends, adventures and other things. It was evening when the door burst open.

"We're back!"

Vector came striding in with a rabbit and a chao, who I guessed was Vanilla and Chocola. The big croc looked around.

"Oh hey Sonic, where's Espio-" he mouth opened wide as he caught sight of me.

"Hey, Vector. Been keeping up with the training?"

"Hey yourself! Train-? Oh, yes of course...uh....where've you been!?"

The door opened again to reveal Espio and the robot.

"And where the heck have you been, Es!?"

"Whelp, I guess it's time for me to go back to Tails. See you guys tomorrow!"

Sonic dashed out. Shortly after, Vanilla, Cream, Gemerl and the chaos left as well. It was just like the original Chaotix were here now. Well, except for two members.

Espio was being told off by Vector so I tried to avert his attention.

"Do you guys know what happened to Heavy and Bomb?"

"I can't afford to pay court fines for child neglect-! Oh, uh...who-"

"The former-Eggman robots. Didn't you sell them-?"

"Espio! Nuh-uh, they...moved on!" Vector sighs and then plonks himself on a chair. "Who's that yellow critter?"

"Oh, he's my best buddy Ray the Flying-Squirrel!"

I gave him a side hug whilst he waved shyly.

"It's nice to finally meet you all. Mighty told me a lot about you guys."

"About good things, I hope." Vector puffed himself up proudly. "Say, are you two coming back to join us? 'Cause you can stay here, if you want, as long as you pay the rent-"

"Vector! Sorry, Mighty, if you two really want to stay, it's no rent seeing as we're all friends!" Espio glared at Vector.

I took off my rucksack and foraged through it. I took the bag out and dumped some of the contents on the desk. Vector's mouth was alarmingly wide and you could see the whites around his eyes.

"You guys are clearly having money problems, so here you go, a gift from me and Ray."

Vector and Espio were frozen. It was Charmy who brought them back to earth.

"Yippee! We're rich now, thank you Mighty and Ray!"

"Mighty, where did you two get this much-?"

"Who cares where it came from, Espio? Thanks, you two!"

Espio was still looking unsure.

"Don't worry, we didn't rob a bank. We found a treasure chest on one of our adventures."

Finally, he looked relaxed. "Well, thank you. But still, you can live with us if you want."

"No worries, we've got something covered. Come on, I think it's time for us to go, Ray. See you tomorrow."

As we walked out, Ray was continuing to gawk at me.

"What? Is there something on my face?"

"No, Mighty. But, where are we going to stay? It's too late and far to go back to our previous place."

I ruffled his hair. "Aw, you're stressing your little head about that? Don't worry, we'll just buy a tent and pitch it up in a forest. We'll go meet other old friends and Sonic's new friends, tomorrow. Is that OK, Little Guy?"

"You got it, Big Guy."


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