3| All Friends?

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POV: ...

"Would you just look at that? We've never seen the likes of him before."

He sighed at me.

"What are you planning?"

"Oh, don't you worry, I just want to go and welcome him.~"

He narrowed his eyes and muttered, "Just watch it."

POV: Mighty

As promised, we're now living in a tent. When I woke up, Ray was still curled up, asleep, so I went out of the tent, careful not to disturb him.

I washed and brushed in preparation for my daily activity and hobby: forest bathing. It was great to just wander through and take in my surroundings.

Inhaling the fresh air, I was a good distance away from the tent. Thank goodness Eggman isn't ruining nature anymore. Sonic says that he's apparently not a problem anymore.

I watched two flickies flying in the sky, tweeting and singing in their own language. The grass was fresh and the leaves swayed gently from the breeze.


My ears flickered at the sudden sound. I whipped round, peering through the trees. What was that?


It seemed to come from above. Were flickies fighting in the trees-?

"Hey there, Handsome~"

I nearly fell back at the sudden appearance of the bat. Who did Sonic say she was...?

"I've never seen you before. What's a guy like you doing here?"

She kept blinking. Was something in her eyes?

"Uh, hi. I'm just...having a stroll."

No use using its actual name, hardly anyone knows what it is.

"Are you....a friend of Sonic's?"

She laughed before replying, "Oh, another one of Blue's fans, eh?"

"No, I'm an..old friend. My name's Mighty, Mighty the Armadillo."

I held out my hand and she shook it.

"My, such a firm grip! I'm Rouge, Rouge the Bat. Pleasure to be meeting you."

She was still holding my hand and blinking rapidly.

"Is there something in your eyes?"

"Oh no, Hun. Well, you are currently in my eyes~"

What was she talking about? I chuckled uncertainly and wriggled my hand away.

"Well, thanks? I'm sure we can talk later, I've got to go now."

"Aw, can't you stay a little longer?~"

"No, Ray will wonder where I am. We can talk later. Nice meeting you, Rouge."

I backed away and quickly ran back to the tent. I don't know how to feel about Sonic's new friend but I thought she was weird.

Ray was only just stirring when I returned.

"M-morning, Mighty. Been on your forest thing?"


I ripped open two packets of nuts for us to eat.



"You look a bit off. Did something happen?"

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