4| First Case

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POV: Mighty

After the joyful reunion, me and Knuckles had a hand-wrestling competition. What else could two of the strongest members of the group do?

Our elbows were on a large rock, everyone else watching us. It was an even match, our hands both pressing against the other to force it down.

I grinned at him, "Ready to give up?"

He snorts, "Not a chance."

I hummed whilst my heart fluttered with what I thought was anticipation.

I looked up to see Rouge sneaking closer to him. I narrowed my eyes at her. What was she doing?

Knuckles seemed oblivious to her presence until she whispered something to him. He jumps and I take the chance to slam his hand down.

"Mighty's the winner!"

Ray cheers as Sonic raises my hand about.

"Hmph, no fair! She caught me off guard!"

I chuckled at his expression, "Maybe next time Knux."

"Aw, did I fluster you, Knuckie?"

"Shut up, Rouge! It's your fault!"

Sonic rolled his eyes and muttered to me, "More like his own fault for having women as a weakness."

"Sonic! I heard that!"

Despite my triumph, I couldn't help feeling a little dissatisfied for some reason.

Next Day

We went to the Chaotix's to hang out.

Charmy opened the door. "Hi, guys!"

As we walked in, Vector slammed his notebook shut. He seemed sketchy, literally and figuratively as he placed his pen on the desk.

"Hey, you two! What brings you here?"

"Just wanted to see you all."

Ray looked around. "Where's Espio?"

"That, is a very good question. Espio!"

Only silence answered Vector. He grumbled.

"Honestly, he's been sneaking away too much."

"Maybe he has a secret he doesn't want us to know?"

"Oh, shut up Charmy. What secret can't he share with us?"

"A mystery girl-"

At that precise moment, the phone rang.

"Hello, Chaotix's Agency, how may we help you?"

We couldn't tell what was being said on the other end, but Vector's mouth was curving into a slight smile.

"How much are you gonna pay for our services?"

Charmy's pupils dilated.

"OK, we'll be there as soon as possible."

It was like Charmy became a rocket.

"We've got a case! We've got a case!"

"Charmy, watch the light!"

Ray quickly glided up and snatched him out of harm's way.


My buddy quickly covered his mouth. "Alright, alright, calm down!"

"Come on, we're going to the corner shop. The old man who owns it thinks someone's broken in."

Vector stood up and opened the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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