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"So, this guy Lloyd," you bring up the subject, next to Finn and Mash, having met them when the class ended."Lloyd? He did his middle school here, just like me," Finn responds, as you nod along.
"But why is everyone afraid of him?" Mash asks, making you recall the frightened glances and fearful conversations the students were having."Well, Lloyd is the son of a high-ranking official in the Magic Bureau. Are you guys aware that the Magic Bureau is an absolute authority in this world?" I just nod, but I turn to look at Mash, who stammers a hesitant, "Y-yes," making Finn sigh.
"If you go against him, you'll be expelled. It seems the vice-director is connected to his family. If he doesn't like you, they'll force you to leave this school. I've seen it happen since middle school.""So, we've got a guy who thinks he's above everyone, huh?" you think, imagining how many teenagers have been expelled and lost their chance, all because of a fake blond. This makes you a bit irritated."And in some cases, the torment doesn't stop even when they leave the school. That's why everyone obeys him... everyone is afraid of him."

You put a hand on the boy's shoulder and smile at him, trying to comfort him, which seems to help a bit. After going your separate ways to your dormitories, you find yourself bidding farewell to Finn, who was heading to rest.

"I think I'll make some cream puffs," you look at Mash, who seems puzzled."A cream what?" Mash stares at you, perhaps also confused."I can show you if you want. I'm thinking of doing a bit of cooking," you simply agree as you follow the boy, heading towards the kitchen. You observe him making some."I feel like I'm forgetting something," Mash says before shrugging and returning to cooking. "It can't be that important."

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐍𝐄𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐀: mashle X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now