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(i'm being kind by posting another chapter on the same day.)

"Oh, it's Lance," you think as you look at the boy, along with the others."Wait, he has two marks? But... I've never seen him before? Is he maybe a first-year?" Tom sweats nervously as he looks at Lance.

"This is Lance Crown, he ranked first in the entrance exam... looking closely, he's quite a cutie- NO! Lemon, you've already given away your heart! Your heart belongs to someone else," Lemon thought, daydreaming about Mash, almost dropping the stack of books.

"You're out of luck, there's no fun here," Mash says as he turns to look at Lance, who maintains the same expression."I see, then let's do something fun," Lance says as he watches Mash stand up from his chair."Something fun? Like hide and seek?"

"Definitely not hide and seek!" Finn thought as he looked at Lance and Mash. You leaned against the chair, observing the situation and watching Mash as he stared at Lance.

"I barely step away from her, and already there are people trying to get close," Lance thought as he observed Mash's friends, looking at your figure with Mash, and Finn's arm draped over your shoulders. It seemed like Lance had completely misunderstood the situation.

Pulling a bottle out of his school coat, Lance displays it in his hands. "This bottle here is a magical item and also very old."He then opens the bottle's cork, and soon, Finn, Lemon, and Tom are sucked inside the bottle, causing you to rise from your seat.
"As you can see, it's capable of capturing people."
"Hey! What's your problem, Lance?!" You shout as you glare at the boy, who simply turns his head to look at you. "Don't get involved in this, (Name)."
"Don't come at me with that talk, Lance! Let Finn and Lemon go!! The rest can stay with you!"
"Hey?!" Tom shouts from inside the bottle, banging on it. "Let them go, Lance!" You shout again, pulling your wand from your sleeve and pointing it at Lance. The boy just sighs and tucks the bottle into his coat, then draws his wand and aims it at you. Suddenly, your wand is forcefully thrown to the ground by Lance's magic. You look shocked at your wand, held in place by Lance's magic, but as you divert your attention, you're suddenly pulled towards him, feeling your body being restrained as you're drawn to Lance."Why are you acting like this? This isn't like you," Lance says as the hand holding his wand grips your chin.
Mash, already looking shocked, takes a step forward, ready to go after the boy, but he's surprised when you also end up being sucked into another bottle."Oh, come on!" You shout, banging on the bottle. Lance stores the bottle away, then looks at Mash.
"If you want them back, come to the forest at the owl's cabin," he says, using his wand to vanish with a spell.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐍𝐄𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐀: mashle X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now