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"Once they're asleep, they become normal plants," Lance said, holding the sleeping Mandrake in his hand. "Now let's create a compound; this part is extremely simple. Watch." Lance then begins to move toward the countertop.

"First: chop," Lance then begins to quickly chop the plant into tiny pieces."Then this!" Lance grabs the bowl and dumps it into the frying pan."And this," his focused look was evident."And with this..." Lance then adds something, and his potion is ready."And that's how it's done."
"It's quite simple," you said, taking a bite of an apple while resting your face on your hand on the counter."SIMPLE MY FOOT!" Finn thinks, looking shocked at the situation after hearing you talk about the potion preparation."I understand everything," Mash says with his neutral look.""STOP LYING!"Finn yells, looking shocked at Mash."No, seriously, it's just not mixing magic into it," Mash says, holding the knife and the Mandrake.
"Cut, then this, and that, finish with that," but then you start repeating what Lance showed."It's ready," but incredibly, it's a cream puff made with the recipe.
"IT'S NOT ANY OF THAT! HOW DID IT END UP AS CREAM PUFF?!" Finn thinks, shocked at what he witnessed."You've got to be kidding me, right?"

"I'm not kidding," Lance then begins to help Mash make the potion. "It starts like this, understand?" "Okay." You watch Lance help the boys. "Then you add this." "Okay."

"Stir well." "Okay."
"Then finally, add this." "Okay."
Another cream puff emerged, and you look surprised at the boys, seeing Lance's shocked face."How is this possible?! I watched him do it from start to finish, and it turned into a cream puff?!" Lance seemed to look at the sweet in shock.
"You're no good for anything, just good for throwing punches!" Lance says, looking at Mash."Yeah," you reach out, pulling the plate."Is she seriously going to eat that?!" Finn thinks as he watches you pull the plate with the Mandrake-made dessert.
"Why is he so proud of that?" Lance thinks, taking off his cap."Well, whatever. I'm going to tell you something: know that I'll never lose to you again."

"Lance lost against Mash, huh? Well, Lance deserved it, especially after losing my wand. I wish I could have seen it," 

"How can she eat that so calmly?!" Finn thinks as he watches you eat the dessert without a care, even enjoying it."Yay!! Drama, I love it!"
"I have a reason for being part of the Magic Cabinet," Lance continues."And what would that be?" Mash asks, looking at the boy.

"I'm not going to tell you, it's none of your business," Lance says, lowering his head. "And I'll tell you right now, you're the only guy who fought as well as I did, maybe even better, but I won't let anyone take your coins from you, no matter what happens," Lance continues with a threatening tone.

"No need to say it, that's not going to happen," Mash says, watching Lance tie his cap again."Let's try again," "Okay, but why did you take off your cap?""...,"

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐍𝐄𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐀: mashle X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now