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"You two have gone too far... Let's—" You interrupted Mash's speech by placing your hand on the boy's shoulder. Mash turned his head to see your killer gaze, possibly filled with anger. "Mash, it's my turn," you said through clenched teeth. "Then it's your turn." Mash simply stepped back as you began to walk forward, your head tilting to the side, emitting a look of fury. "Now... you piece of crap, it's my turn to take part in this damn challenge." You tilted your head upward, giving off an air of superiority, while one of your hands, with an index finger, beckoned the boy. "So let's go... 15 magical strikes... come on." The girl next to Silva couldn't help but tremble in fear when she saw your deadly gaze.

"Do you think they're okay?" Lance asks, looking at Finn and Lemon while sitting on a tree branch."Well... they can handle themselves just fine, it's Mash and (name)..." Finn then has a brief flashback of when you and Mash were almost killing the vice principal. Finn breaks into a cold sweat as he looks away. "Yeah! Mash even outscored the teacher in the entrance exams!" Lemon says, blushing at the mention of Mash's name, remembering in an exaggerated and glorified way Mash's performance at the beginning of the exam.

"But there are different types of magic users," Lance says before looking up. "White mages are good support academics, and the 'scarlets' excel in combat." He continues, "Mash has faced white mages so far, but the scarlets above the first year are strong. Dual-line ones aren't uncommon, and among them, there must be several who are stronger or better than Mash." Lance reflects on when Mash defeated him and when Mash broke the professor's wand at the beginning of the exam."But... (Name) is just a white mage... obviously, I'm not sure if she could beat that boy, especially if she's near Mash," Lance says, recalling when you were healing him, using your magic to treat Lance's wounds before he went home. In Lance's mind, he believes you still only use healing magic and have no combat magic at all.

"HAHAHAHAH!!! Let's go!! What happened?! You couldn't even hit me!!" You laugh at Silva, using the stolen wand from the girl, pointing it at Silva, who had a shadow wolf wrapped around his body. "Your expression... it's so satisfying to see!!" You say, already putting your hands on your own cheeks, while swaying your body a bit. "You've delivered a total of 13 attacks and still haven't hurt me at all!! Isn't that something?!" You laugh and taunt the boy, as your spell vanishes into the shadow of the boy, letting him drop to the ground.

"I'm the strongest in the second year! And I have two lines!! I won't let some random guy mock me! Especially a single-line guy!!!" Silva thinks as he looks on. "You... YOU BASTARD!! DON'T GET COCKY!!" Silva shouts as he sends an iron stake towards you. You tilt your head, causing the iron to pass by your side, making a drop of blood come out. You smile as you watch the boy. "I have more power than him!! I'll show him!!" Silva thinks as he watches you use your thumb to wipe away the blood, which ended up staining the makeup you were wearing. "Wait... what's that stain? He—"

"Congratulations!!" You clap as you watch the boy, interrupting his thoughts. "You gave me a little scratch!" You then use your sleeve to wipe away the blood, revealing more hidden lines after removing not only the blood but also the makeup that concealed them. "That's... THAT'S 4 LINES? HOW DID HE GET THAT? IT MUST BE AN ILLUSION! He's probably doing this just to scare me, because think about it, you bastard! That illusion won't work on me—" The boy's thoughts are interrupted when a shockwave envelops his body, causing him to scream in pain as a kind of shadow thorn picks him up and throws him forcefully to the ground. "That makes it 14... you have one more attack to make before I burn you to death!" You say, looking at the boy, who was now panting as he tried to get up.

"I can't... I can't lose like this! I earned two gold coins!" Silva thinks as he sends another stake towards you, but once again, it's destroyed and deflected. Silva looks at you as you approach him, starting to clap, a diabolical smile on your face. "That makes it 15 attacks! Oh, poor thing~ out of all the 15," you then grab the boy's head, making him look directly into your eyes, demonic eyes. "Only 1 made a miserable scratch~ goodbye~" You raise the wand to the boy's neck, a small energy ball appearing, but before you could use it to finish him off, a hand is placed on your shoulder. "(Name), that's enough!"

You blink, looking back to glance at Mash. "That's 15 already, it's over," you sigh, letting go of Silva and stepping back, kicking the dirt. "But I didn't even get to play enough!" You pout, holding your blouse and looking down. "Now it's my turn, maybe you could heal that wound on your face, it's bleeding," Mash says, pointing to the small cut on your cheek before walking over to Silva, who was already standing.You open your handheld mirror, looking at your exposed 4 lines with makeup and your hair, and the cut that the boy had made, then you notice your appearance looking more masculine."What..?"

Looking into the mirror several times to see that masculine appearance, you start to panic. "WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!! Well, actually..." You pause for a moment, observing the magic lines blending well with your masculine face. "Well, actually, I look handsome like this, focus!" You were about to go grab the wand when you stopped to think. "I guess I have to hide my magic lines first with makeup before casting the spell." Taking the powder from the mirror, you used your finger to conceal your magical lines, sighing as you looked to see only one line as it has always been. Pulling out the stolen wand, you try to cast a spell, only to watch the wood of the wand start to swell and before you realize it, it explodes and breaks. "Ah..."

You turn to look at Mash while still holding the exploded and broken wand. Mash, who was looking at Silva kneeling on the ground, didn't notice you approaching him."H-heroine..?" You look down, noticing Dot looking at you, his expression showing surprise and even shock.Turning your own face, you look down only to see that your comfortable male pants had turned into a skirt, which makes you open your mirror again and look, sighing in relief before looking at Dot.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐍𝐄𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐀: mashle X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now