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"So it was Mash who bugged the skeleton unicorn!" you think as a small flashback comes to mind.

You were climbing the stairs after your name was called, followed by Mash's. You were just looking around before you noticed the skeleton unicorn, holding its horn."Damn, I've never seen a skeleton unicorn before. It's beautiful even though it's just bones. Actually..." you run your hand up and down the unicorn's horn. "Imagine if it stabbed someone in the chest with this horn! That would be cool."

"...?" The unicorn stares at your face while you smile maliciously."It would stab the chests of all humans while its equine scream made them tremble in fear."

"My goodness..." the unicorn thinks, while sifting through your mind. It opens its mouth, about to speak."And finally, with its army, it could kill everyone and become the most powerful beings in these lands!!! Man... I really need to stop reading so many books, but that would make a good story... I think I'll write a book!""House lan- ADLER!!!"

You continued to look down, immersed in your thoughts."I wonder where that unicorn is now..." your attention is called, pulling you out of your thoughts and memories.

"Cough... cough..." Lance begins, drawing your attention back to him. "The Lang elite, the Lupus magic, are a group of seven talented students. The guy with the piercing must be one of their lackeys. They collect coins to influence who will become the Divine Visionary. That's why you've become a target. Keep your distance from them and always stay with a dormitory companion whenever you can."Lance says this while looking seriously at Mash."Okay, I will," Mash responds, looking at everyone but mostly at Lance, making him sigh.

"He won't make it," you think, looking at Mash, feeling the sweat trickle down your face as you also sigh, before placing your hands on your hips."Why do I feel like something bad is going to happen?" you wonder, just before feeling a hand on your shoulder. Turning, you find Finn's hand, and he looks at you before turning to look at Mash. You notice Finn is also sweating nervously as he watches Mash."He's going to get lost, I'm sure of it," Finn thinks while looking at Mash.However, Lance's warning was in vain, and Mash ended up getting lost in the school...

"Mash shouldn't be here, right?" you ask Finn, who is just sweating nervously.

"Oops, I got lost," Mash says while walking down the school corridor. "Wait, where is the next class again?" Mash asks himself before looking ahead and seeing a double door down the corridor, stopping in front of it."I think it's here. Is this door a push or pull?" Mash puts his hand on his chin, pondering how to enter."In the end, I always get it wrong anyway, so should I pull or push?"

"M-Me sorry! I-I feel so terrible," Silver says, kneeling on the ground, feeling nervous and desperate."You said you wanted to join the group, and that's why Master Abel gave you a chance, and on top of that, let Adler House take your coin," said one of the Lang House members next to Silver, looking at him over his glasses."JUST ONE MORE! ONE MORE CHANCE PLEASE—" Silver screams desperately but is interrupted by Abel, who turns to look sideways at the boy on the ground."You're wrong, 'giving him a chance' makes it seem like I expected something from him." Silver falls silent as the boy standing next to him scratches his head. "Yeah, true, my bad."

"Only the chosen ones can influence this world—the best education, the greatest talents, the purest bloodlines," Abel says, caressing the doll in his hands. The boy next to Silver moves to stand beside the other Lang House members, listening carefully to Abel."We are collecting coins to create a world free from impurities," Abel continues. At this moment, Silver feels his face starting to harden. "But what about you? You're not even worthy as a sacrifice for our cause."
"GUH!" Silver looks in fear at his hands, which are hardening and transforming."Pathetic wretch, you have my sympathy. It must be hard to keep living knowing you're worth nothing," Abel says coldly as the creaking sounds are heard while Silver tries to speak but fails as his body continues to transform. "But don't worry, you don't need to think about such things anymore."Now fully transformed into a doll, Silver falls to the ground before standing up and walking over to join the other dolls, standing still and silent among them."I must be the Divine Visionary, not some lowly Adler trash, right, Mommy?" Abel says as he caresses the doll in his hands and looks at the wall. "A world free from impurities will be mine..."
"Oops!" A loud crash sounds as Mash breaks the door, making everyone look at him. "I wasn't sure if it was a pull or a push door, sorry for breaking it," Mash says as he starts to walk in, carrying the broken door in his hands. "You know you're talking to a doll, right?"
"Thank you for the heads-up..." Abel says, looking at Mash who is holding the door.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐍𝐄𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐀: mashle X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now