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I looked around the hall to see the fearful gazes of people directed at  my newly wedded husband, even if I don't like Natasha, I need to still try and save her for the sake of her child.

"Your highness please have mercy" I said to him, as I held gently on his hands and felt him relax at my touch, as he turned to face me with his expressionless face his eyes swelling between green and red as my own body shivered in feeling, thinking if I am his next target.

He finally freed his hands from her neck as she fell on the floor and coughed  out as her coward husband Leonard who had not said anything since but watch life drain out of her face, while he shrinked back into the small crowd that had form, to hide.
Leonard bent down to help her on her feet as they said a quick word of ' thank you' and ran.

My brother came forward with his eyes blazing with anger  as the crowd dispersed.
"you better treat my sister well" he said to my husband while staring at him.

"I will treat her as I like, from today onward she is mine, and belongs to Hezab not Nardsia" King Kaden said as he held tightly on my hands as his touch sent tingles round my entire body and walked away with me along side to his carriage waiting for us to bring me home to his carriage.

I stared in amazement as I look at his royal carriage, dark red on colour like the color of blood, with speckles of gold designs round it.
It is bigger than any we have here in Nardsia, when I heard he is rich, I never expected it to be as much as this I wonder how his palace will look like.

"Your highness" , one of his guards gestured for me to enter while maintaining his distance.
I looked around to see if I can find him, and stare in wonder of where he might have gone.

"Will his highness not be riding with me" I asked the guard as he came to thee side to close the carriage door.

"no his highness rides alone in the other carriage" he said, pointing in the direction of the back, where another carriage of the same size and pattern is seated.
"okay" I said in a low voice, barely a whisper.

In Nardsia it is compulsory for the bride and groom to ride together after leaving the wedding hall, it is a tradition practiced to show togetherness and strength of the relationship.

I can not help but fill disappointed that he chose to ride in a different carriage, because I am sure he is very much aware of this custom.

The ride went smoothly, although Hezab is not very far off from Nardsia, it is said to take a day journey.
And I can already feel cramps on my legs from wearing this heels for too long, but I can not pull it to preserve my nobility, and I feel very naesous due to the bad road and the shaking of the carriage.

I just wish to be at the comfort of my home and lie on my bed.

I was not allowed to carry anything from home not even my old clothes neither Flora, as it is a tradition in Hezab that a bride goes to her husband's house new and fresh wearing her white wedding clothes representing purity and loyalty to her husband, without anything from the past.
Oh how much I miss Flora.

I flinched unconsciously as  the sky darkened and it roared heavy with heavy lightening and traces of a great storm, as I felt the carriage stop, and a guard opened the door to the carriage.

"Your highness, we have decided to take a break and continue our journey at dawn tomorrow, as there is about to be an heavy storm" he said as I stood up with shaking legs dew to weakness from the bumpy ride, as I stood up with all my strength.

"may I" the guard said stretching his hands out to help me when he saw I was struggling to get down.

"touch her and loose your hands" I heard an angry voice said as I flinched out of fear, while the guard quickly dropped his hands and ran away, leaving me with King Kaden.

He held on my hands harshly and dragged me down the carriage, leaving me to kick my already sore foot on the strong door, and my legs finally gave out as I fell into his hands.
My entire body tingled as my skin made contact with his as his scent filled my nostrils.

"it seems you no longer have class, and you are now going for my  palace workers", "remember this and remember carefully" he said as he gripped my Jaws harshly "you are mine from today onwards till death do us apart, and if you ever let any other man touch you even a little, their death would be on your hands" he said staring at me with kiling intent in his eyes, before he finally let go of my Jaws and gripped on my hands harshly, dragging me in the same direction as him, to the inn we would be staying for the night.

"we are sorry your highness all the rooms are full we only have one room available" the young lady at the receptionist office said, while looking at King Kaden with flirting eyes.
Pushing her already large boobs forward to move out of her tiny gown, that is already showing alot of cleavage.

I am so very sure she does not know he is the Blood King with the way she is flirting at him openly, she must just guess he is a royal with the way he is dressed.
I myself found it hard to belive he is the popular Blood king that is always gossiped about wherever I go.
I was expecting him to be more in beast form than man, but in reality his features and beauty looks so unreal, but after experiencing him almost taking the life of a pregnant woman with his hands, I have learnt that beauty is not everything.

"we will take it" he said in a hoarse voice while gesturing with his finger for one of his guards, as a stack of coins was placed on the table, and she directed us to the room, while looking me up in jealousy, obviously angry that he did not answer to all her flirting schemes.

I would happily trade places with her not to share a room with him, just if she knows.

MARRIED TO THE BLOOD KING Where stories live. Discover now