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A/N: Oh my hoodini I am soo sorry. This week has been packed and I haven't been able to type at all. This is way late and I'm terribly sorry for that. Thankfully I should be getting back on track so enjoy! Also, if anyone got that "hoodini" reference then your magic. If you don't get it, check out Vanoss gaming and his recent gta video. Later peeps :3

Anthony's pov

I sighed. Another day working at a bar. Every guy that walks in is either straight or they're gay and taken. "Aye, a shot of your finest please." I heard someone say. I looked at him. He wore some leopard like pants and jacket with a cat shirt. "Stop checking me out. I'm taken." he stated. Damn it. Must I be so obvious when I check out someone. "Sorry sir. Here's your drink." I said. Just then two more people walked in. One had brown curly hair and a red shirt. The other had hair like Nathan drake from the video games. He wore a multicolored shirt with yellow, red, and green. The kitty man waved to them both.

"Ah, bar tender. This is my boyfriend Max. And this my single, lonely friend Steven." he said laughing. And besides being a cat your also part dolphin. That pretty cool... I guess. I got then all some beer. Except Steven he didn't want anything. As the couple left it was just Steven and I.

"Sorry if I seen awkward." he stated. "Don't worry about it. I work here from 5 pm to well, whenever the other guy shows up. He's always making out with his boyfriend, Evan." I said. I quickly grabbed a rag and started cleaning a glass. "You know, your pretty cute. In surprised your not taken." Steven said. He stood up and leaned closer over the bar. "I need a man like that." He whisperd. I moved closer. This guy is in my reach. "Meet me in the back..." he trailed off.

I watched as he left and walked to the bathroom. Of course being me I left the bar and followed his trail. When I opened the door I was pushed up against the wall. I caught a glimpse of Steven before he planted his lips into mine. When I started to follow his motion I heard the door slam open.

Steven backed up. "John! Oh thank god your here! He just... He just came on to me!" Steven spat out. "Wha-" I couldn't even finish my sentence. I was picked up and thrown across the bathroom stall. "Oh hell no! He came on to me! You fucking basterd!" I yelled.

Besides being angry I was used. Used against my own will. That seducing mother fucker. I threw a punch at the one he called John. He fell back almost knocked out. "John!" Steven said. I walked out of there and went back to my bar stand.

I went back to cleaning the dishes as normal. When Steven and his boy toy, John came out they both looked pissed. "Get your asses out of my bar!" I yelled and pointed at the both of them. "Gladley!" John said. They both left.

-The next night-

I felt some sort of emptiness. Mainly because I made out with a hot guy who cheated on his boyfriend and me. What a floozy. Or maybe it's because it's couples night and I'm single.

"Aye, bar tender. I just want one." I didn't look at the guy. I brought him his drink. "Also... In sorry about last night." he said. When I looked up it was Max. "We dared him too and he said he would do it. We didn't know he was still dating John. I thought he dump his sorry ass a year ago." he said. I nodded letting every word soak in. I sighed and went back to my spot.

Within the couple hours Delirious walked in. "The next shift is yours buddy." I said. He nodded and I left. I started to walked home when I was shoved into a dark alley. I couldn't feel anything. My body felt as if it was going numb. "That's what you get you Italian fuck." I blacked out.

I woke up to someone... Kissing me? When I opened my eyes it was Steven. I shoved and pushed him away from me. "Don't. Your little boy toy nearly killed me. You sick fuck." I said trying to regain my balance. "He's only mad because I dumped him because I want you." he said. "Bullshit." I snapped back.

"It's true. He is an abusive boyfriend and you stood him up in that bathroom. Then he took his anger out on me. Please I need somewhere to stay. I have a car and I think I'm in love with you" he said. "Fine. Stay at my place. Just... Take me home." I said. He nodded and I told him where to go.

Once we got home I sat on the couch. Steven sat down next to me. I don't mind the company but this guy was started to bug me. But... Why not? I pulled him to me and we cuddled.

It's not like He will find out...

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