~The Mind Twist~

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Chilled's POV

"Hurry up Ze! We need to get the job done for Nanners otherwise it will be our lives!" I yelled at slow poke Ze. He moves like freaking molasses in January! As Ze made his way towards me I started running again. Towards the building of Sir Mexican Max. We're pulling a heist since he decided to stop paying Nanners. "Can you.....*pant pant*...Please....Hold....UP?! I'm a tech guy.... not an athlete" Ze said as he finally caught up. I rolled my eyes playfully as we entered the building's air duct. "Pull your gun out just in case" I whisper in the dark. 

Ze's POV

I pulled my gun out-trying not to drop it- and started crawling behind Chilled. "Hey... are you touching my ass?" Chilled ask. "Really? Can't we just get the mission done and worry about butt touching later." I asked a little bit annoyed. "Okay but you never answered my question. I take it you like my Italian butt" He said with a bit of.. pride? I rolled my eyes as we kept on crawling. 

In only in 15 minutes of annoying crawling did we reach were we needed to be. Chilled picked up the grate and we jumped down. Uh-oh. We were in Max's office and... Nanners is right next to him?! "NANNERS?! MAX?! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Chilled yelled-very confused-. "Well, this was a set up! Duh! You think my husband would just randomly stop paying?!" Nanners exclaimed. "And I suffered that Italian for an hour. WHY!?" I yelled. "Oh come on Ze... I know you liked it." He said with an evil smirk. 

Chilled's POV

Damn. I sorta had a feeling this was a set up and did Nanners say husband?! Another damn. I didn't know that the Canadian behind the desk would be super cute. Sure I'm gay. Secretly. I mean sure there are cute guys that I work with, like... well I'm sure I can think of someone before I start drinking. 

After Nanners explaining how we would do as partners he offered Ze that I would be with him. I looked at Ze's eyes. Pure green. I was practically begging him at this point. He rolled his eyes playfully and said yes. I hugged him.

>Time moved<

>Night Time<

(Warning. Upcoming sexy and make out sessions will be in play. At this point Chilled will use his sexiness and well... Just read. c; )

Ze's POV

It is night and Chilled invited me to go to the bar with him. I accepted and he picked me up. In the car some song by Coldplay started to play. "Hmm must be their new album." Chilled said. I've notice he looks nice. Too nice. 

When we got to the bar we already ordered our drinks. I started to drink and I swallowed hard. I haven't tasted this drink before...WOAH... The pretty colorssss. 

Chilled's POV

YES IT WORKED!! Now step one -tricking Ze into drinking the drugged drink- and now for step two. Use sexy. "Easy there buddy.. Why don't we go back to my place?.." I asked. "S-sureee mannn" he slurred. When we entered my house I brought Ze to my room. "Hey buddy can I tell you something?" I asked. "Sure Chilly Willy...Anything for my boyfriend!" He said. HOLD THE FUCKING BANANA PHONE! "Uh... Ze I really, really like you." I say. "I knowww.... You're gay! And hey, that is okay! I love you too Chilly" He said. I looked at him and I kissed him. He didn't back out. We fought over domenice but I won. Not bragging or anything. I explored his mouth. His soft tender lips and I started to kiss them, making my way to his neck. "Come on...more" Ze moaned. I found the lucky spot as I bit it.

Nanners POV

"Wow Chilled is DUMB!!!" Max said in laughter. "Doesn't he know that he got knocked out from the air duct? Poor Ze! Who knows what Chilled is dreaming of though." I said laughing like a dophin. "He is still on the heist too! Ugh. Your inside men SUCK BALLS ADAM!" Max yelled through his laughter. I started to dophin laugh again. "Yeah but they're really funny!! That's why you put camera's everywhere!" I said. "WTF is Chilled doing? Is he...French kissing?" Max said. We're balling our eyes at this point from laughter. Ze smacked Chilled and that woke him up. "Shittt BUSTED!!" Max exclaimed, laughing. "Oh shit bro. LOOK!! People are stalking us!" I looked at the camera. "Probably people who have a fan fiction disorder. Just let me shut down wattpad, twitter, and what ever they make their stories on." Max said. "Nah, don't do that. They're pretty cute sometimes!" I said. 

(So how was your break guys?! I'm super sorry I haven't been making stories lately. End of the quarter for school so everything was jammed packed. If you didn't understand the story, basicaly throught the vents Chilled hit his head and knocked him out and he started to dream. It was a test from the start and I just made it even more confusing because you know, why not? Also do expect slow updates but hopefully NOT this slow. This took almost a month and I apologize dearly. So.. Hope I destroyed you mind on thinking about this whole story! C:< Yes I am evil... Lemons. Okay but anyway, have a great rest of the month! Later!)

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