Returning To Hogwarts.

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Harry sighed to himself as he boarded the train with his luggage to Hogwarts. This week was Parents' Week. There would be lots of activities for the parents and their children to show off their skills. It was also Valentine's Day in a few days too but the dark-haired man wasn't really concerned with that anymore. Things have gotten a lot better since the war ended. Muggles are none the wiser unless they were the parents of a student at Hogwarts. Speaking of Muggles, Harry heard they were even letting Muggle parents join Parents’ Week. It was the first time ever. Ginny sat beside him under the luggage shelf after she had put her own up there next to his.

Harry is reminded of his first time on the train. It felt like it was so long ago. In many ways, it was. Across from him were Ron and Hermione bickering as always. She was probably right about something, and Ron was probably mad he had been wrong. The dark-haired man is surprised they've stayed married, but then again, a part of him isn't. He's sure the stress of being the Minister of Magic is hard on Hermione while Ron just has to deal with annoying customers at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. Somehow, they make it work. Harry's own marriage with Ginny didn't last long after they had Lily. They still coparented, though.

They both had hoped their divorce wasn't too hard on the kids, though. They didn't seem that affected, but still. Honestly, going off to Hogwarts was probably best. He was so proud of them. He read and kept every letter any of the kids sent home. He knows Ginny was and does, too. After relaxing and things had calmed down between Ron and Hermione, the train was quiet. Harry looked out the window, seeing the familiar sight of the trees and water as they passed over a bridge. He hasn't been back to Hogwarts since he graduated. There wasn't a need. His job at the Ministry took up enough of his time. A wave of more nostalgia hit him when the trolley came by.

Ron got junk food, and Hermione side eyed him only to then accept the chocolate frog she was given with a smile. Ron grinned and kissed her cheek while she rolled her eyes as if she were annoyed. It was clear she wasn't. They really were the perfect couple. Ginny bought some snacks too and offered to share some crisps with Harry, who happily accepted them. It was nice to feel like himself again and to just relax. He hardly takes a vacation. Once at Hogsmeade station, they all got off and were escorted to Hogwarts by none other than Hagrid. Rooming was basically how it was when they were students there. Everyone had a single bed. The women stayed in another area.

“I can't believe this. I feel like a student again.” Ron said as he slid his luggage under the bed and plopped down on the twin bed

“Could be worse.” Harry shrugged while putting his luggage between his bed and the nightstand

“How?” Ron looked over at him with squinting eyes

“We could be staying in Slytherin.” Harry joked with a little grin

Like it was when they were students, each person was put into common areas of the same houses when they were put into years ago. Clearly, this area is meant to be for students, but the renovation isn't done yet, so it's being used for parents for now. Things are incomplete but not unlivable. Luckily, Slytherin now isn't what it was like back when they were in school from what Albus wrote in his letters anyway. He was in Slytherin after all so he would know more than Harry. Maybe it wasn't so bad back then, either. Maybe they just had a bad wrap, and Malfoy, along with his goons, didn't really make them look any better. That was long ago, though. It doesn't really matter now, does it?

“Bloody hell. That would be a nightmare wouldn’t it?” Ron said as he begrudgingly sat up

“Probably.” Harry answered, fixing his blazer and button up as the redhead shook his head

They would be called for dinner soon. Their other roommates were changing into or fixing the clothes they were wearing so they would look like the perfect images of stable parents. Muggles were just put wherever there was a free bed since they did not attend Hogwarts. But they clearly didn't know much about any of this. Harry often saw other wizards helping them, especially on the stairs. He actually kept a mother from falling off when she got too close to the edge. She thanked him, and he realized she had no idea who he was. It was strange but relieving not to have to go through the whole “yes I'm Harry Potter. Sure, you can have an autograph and a picture.” It made him think of Lockhart, and he never liked that man.

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