Ginny Has Assumptions.

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They finished the potion, and Albus let one drop spill on each animal before they let them out of their cage just like the directions said. The little lizards crawled out then immediately to each other and rubbed their heads against one another. It was very cute to see them be so cuddly when typically the creatures are rather ravenous.

“We did it!” Albus cheered

“You did most of the work. I'm so proud of you.” Ginny kissed his head

“Mum, not in front of everyone.” Albus whined a little embarrassed

“Right, sorry.” Ginny rolled her eyes with a shake of her head

“Aw but you love mummy's kisses.” Rose teased from across the table

“Shut up, Rose.” Albus huffed

“Don't fight now.” Hermione told them as she cross her arms

“Sorry I mean you love someone else's kisses.” Rose grinned cheekily

Harry and Ginny looked at their flustered son before they were interrupted.
“I see you completed the potion.” Draco said now standing on the side closer to Harry and Ron

“Yes Professor Malfoy!” Rose smiled

“It wasn't so hard.” Albus said as the blonde observed their work

“And you worked with your parents, right?” Draco asked them

“Yes!” Both students answered

“Of course they did.” Ron frowned

“I wasn't talking to you.” Draco retorted

“There's no reason to be rude, Malfoy.” Harry found himself saying, and those ice gray eyes found his dark green ones

“I wasn't being rude. I wasn't talking to him, nor you for that matter.” Draco replied, looking him up and down before returning his attention to the kids

“You two did very well. Full marks.” Draco told them

Albus and Rose smiled as they looked at each other, and just as quickly as he arrived, the platinum blonde left again. Harry wasn't sure how to feel as he watched him walk away once more to tend to another family. When his eyes drifted too low, he tore them away, frowning at himself. Why did he almost do that? What did he almost do? No. He would never do that. Draco just has a peculiar body shape for a man. Thin, narrow waist, prominent hips but not too curvy. Strange, Harry wondered if he always looked like that. Maybe their uniforms and cloaks just hid it. Wait, what was he thinking?

“Still an aursehole.” Ron scoffed with a dramatic eye roll


After the class was finished, everyone was making their way out of the room. Scorpius joined them again and was chatting with Albus and Rose as the parents walked a few steps behind them. They didn't want to linger too close like a line of helicopter parents. No kid wants that, especially when your parents are so famous. Granted most of the generation here has a famous parent or two since most are children of the people that taught in the Battle Of Hogwarts but still. No one likes a parent who hovers when you just want to talk to your friends.

“Hermione, I thought Malfoy worked at the Ministry with you.” Ginny said as she walked between Harry and the brunette

Hermione nodded.
“He did until a few months ago.” She said

“He just… quit?” Ron asked since he was on the other side of his wife

Hermione shrugged.
“Well things were still tense even after all these years, with him being a Malfoy. He told me personally about his resignation.” She admitted as she glanced towards the stone ground like she was almost sad about it

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