Happy Valentine's Day Draco.

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Harry couldn't sleep when he got to bed. He had showered, changed clothes, brushed his teeth, talked to Ron and their other roommates, and then laid down. He tossed and turned because he couldn't get what Ginny said out of his head. The more he thought about it, the more he thought she might be right. Curse her. He and Draco have always had a strange relationship. Usually, it was made of arguing, fighting, and bullying. As they've gotten older, Harry realized most of it was just Draco trying to live up to the Malfoy name and then trying to keep his family from being murdered by Voldemort. Harry can't imagine the weight on his shoulders. His own was already really heavy at the time.

Today, Draco was different. They didn’t encounter each other at the Ministry often or at all really. They worked in two different departments, and Harry always kept to himself. He supposed Draco did the same if he was having trouble because of his last name, like Hermione mentioned. Maybe liking him wasn't so bad. Sure, they had their issues, but they're adults now. Kids say and do things they don't mean all the time. Harry shouldn't hold that over Draco. If they can start a new leaf, maybe it's attached to a branch of new experiences that Harry would like to be a part of. He found himself getting out of bed. He needed to go on a walk to clear his head a bit.

He was always an over-thinker. Right now, it was no different. He walked down the corridor until he found a bench to sit on. It was quiet. All the paintings were sleeping, which was nice. Harry felt alone even though there were a lot of other people around. Then he heard light footsteps and hoped it wasn't Filch about to scold him. When he looked up, he saw the person that was taking over his thoughts.

“You shouldn't wander the corridors, Potter.” Draco told him as he stood there with his arms behind his back

“I'm not wandering.” Harry replied, noticing the other was still in the outfit he had on earlier

Draco rolled his eyes.
“Let me rephrase. You shouldn't be out of bed.” He said

“Thanks Filch.” Harry said sarcastically

Draco scoffed.
“I'm way better looking than him.” He said

“Yeah.” Harry said, then blushed

“Was that a compliment, Potter?” Draco rose a blonde eyebrow at him

“Could have been.” Harry tried to say confidently, but it was slowly leaving him as he glanced away

Draco took it upon himself to sit on the bench near the other.
“Well what a surprise.” He commented as he looked towards some empty paintings

“Is it really?” Harry questioned

Draco looked over at him.
“From you? Yes.” The platinum blonde nodded

Harry scrubbed a hand through his hair. He can do this. He can flirt.
“I can compliment you more if you like.”

Draco rolled his eyes.
“Flattery will get you nowhere, Potter.” He retorted

Harry sighed. Okay, maybe he couldn't. He wasn't very good at it when Ginny was around.
“Fine.” The dark headed man nodded and pursed his lips

“How… have you been?” He asked

Draco crossed his arms again making his vest stretch right over his chest.
“Do you even care?”

“Yes.” Harry said

Draco looked over at him again as if to see if he was lying.
“Fine. I like teaching way more than working at the Ministry.” He grumbled

Finally, they're getting somewhere. Harry smiled a little and nodded understandingly.
“Albus seems to really like you.”

“He's one of my best students even though he has a lot of trouble.” Draco said honestly

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