Potion's Class.

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Quidditch went great. Mostly because of Rose and a few others, but Harry was happy to see his son had done really well. After that, they ate lunch in The Great Hall with their kids. Harry visited Hagrid's after that, and they chatted for a while since he had free time. The big guy seemed to be doing well, which he was happy about. He really should come and check on Hagrid more often than he does, which was never. He knows it's still hard for Hagrid to look at him sometimes. Harry understood why. When he left the hut, he saw Albus walking across the yard with Scorpius, and Harry remembered he needed to get to their next activity. He jogged up the hill, catching up with his son and his friend.

"Mr. Potter." Scorpius greeted, looking surprised to see him

"T-There you are, father." Albus said as they stopped for a moment

"Sorry, got caught up with talking to Hagrid." Harry replied and walked ahead of them

"It's alright, but if we're late to potions class, mum will be mad." Albus told him as he walked through the door his father was holding open

"Right, let's not make your mother mad." Harry said, going in behind them

"Bet your mom's hot when she's mad." Scorpius chuckled, earning a little shove from his friend

"Shut it, Malfoy." Albus scolded

Harry shook his head fondly. Kids these days. Some things just don't change. He thought as they trailed down the corridor in a hurry. When they arrived, Harry and Albus made their way to Ginny, who didn't look mad, but was clearly not pleased even though the teacher had not arrived yet. Ron and Hermione, along with Rose, were on the opposite side of the table to Ginny. Other tables had other families in them. Harry was glad Ginny had gotten seats with the Weasleys. He was never good at making conversation with strangers unless it was for a case. He had to at that point. If he could avoid it, though, he would, and most of the time, he did.

"You were almost late." Hermione said in a scolding manner

"Mother, the teacher's not even here yet." Rose told her

"Plus this isn't even a regular class. We won't get counted off 'Mione." Ron piped up

"It's not the point, Ron." Ginny told him, and he rolled his eyes dramatically

"Alright. We're sorry. I got caught up with talking to Hagrid and lost time. It's my fault." Harry admitted

He put his hands up placatingly so Hermione and Ginny wouldn't burn him at the stake for being late to class. God forbid it, right? How dare even think of possibly being late to class. A class that they won't get counted off for since they aren't students anymore, but whatever. That clearly didn't matter to them. Of course, Hermione had to keep up appearances and be a good influence as the Minister of Magic, but Ginny didn't. Unfortunately, she was either known as Harry Potter's ex-wife or the mother of Albus Potter. She was wonderful and deserved better recognition than just being the mother of a Potter or being the wife of Harry Potter. It was really a shame the tabloids treated her like that.

Ron interrupted Ginny before she could say anything.
"How's he doing?" The redhead asked

"Good, still favoring dangerous creatures." Harry said, making them chuckle

"Were you with your father? I lost you after the match." Ginny asked Albus, who had been quiet this whole time

"Um no." Albus shook his head

Harry noticed the small blush on his cheeks as Rose giggled.
"He was probably in a secluded area with Scorpius." She teased

"Who's Scorpius?" Ron asked

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