Chapter 1: Two Years Later

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I woke up, got dressed and went downstairs to see my mom making breakfast.

"Morning Lily!" my mom said.

"Morning mom" I replied.

"I hope you find a job for this summer dear." my mom said again.

"Thanks mom," I replied again.

I leave the house after that to go to my local cafe, ordered my coffee and opened up my laptop for my newest blog. My blog is recording the two years that have passed since the

Knight's appearance in the city of Winchester.


Two years have passed since the Knight's victory over The Empress of The CAV. He was congratulated as a hero and was even offered a place in The United Forces new team of heroes that they set up. I don't know much of the details, but the Knight has not taken up their offer yet, as far as I'm aware of. Wherever they are now, I'm sure they will make a strong alliance.


Two trucks carrying squads of CAV soldiers were heading to a nearby laboratory where it was reported by one of their spies that it's carrying some resources that Lydia wants for her new collaborator. To make up for his failure two years ago, Scorponex is tasked to go with them to ensure that the job gets done if he were to ever get on Lydia's good side again.


To make up for my failure against the Knight two years ago, I was forced to go on more, open missions from the Empress herself. Our mission is to retrieve several items a new collaborator of her's wants for his project. Two trucks with myself and enough soldiers for these kinds of operations. I receive a transmission from Admiral Jaque.

"Scorponex, you and your men need these resources I have listed down. The Empress wants them for her new collaborator's projects" The Admiral said.

"As you wish Admiral" I replied.

The truck was heading down to the coordinates that he sent down, a laboratory studying mysterious objects and gems, apparently if my assumption is correct, it's the Pathfinder to that Shadow Amethyst that the Empress is spouting about. Probably just some religious nonsense or some other crap that she believes in. She must have some really strict parents to believe in that kind of stuff.

"Sir, we're at the destination now" said the CAV Driver.

"Alright, let's not disappoint, we storm the building, kill everyone, get our resources and go." I said.


Scorponex and The CAV Soldiers stormed the building, none of the lab's security were prepared for the Soldiers in white and the cybernetically enhanced human with a scorpion tail. Scorponex then sees a shining piece of ancient technology.

"That's it, let's get it to the truck." said Scorponex to the CAV Soldiers that were with him.

The soldiers extract the Shadow Amethyst and take it to the truck. Little do they know, The United Forces are not too far behind them. An airship is seen nearby.



I am so excited for this, my first mission! I was a bit of a newbie for a year now so I might just have what it takes to put down any bad guys that stand against us. Despite all rumors suggesting it, The Knight has yet to take our offer in the team. I don't know why, I guess he prefers operating solo or some other reason. Our mission is to stop this guy dressed as a Scorpion and some CAV Soldiers from stealing some resources the Empress wants for whatever she plans on doing with them.

A screen plays of Agent Rosa briefing the mission.

"Alright Team, your mission is to stop The CAV forces, we believe that Scorponex, one of their most prominent fighters will be present with them carrying out the operation and is their commander. We need to stop them from retrieving it to Lydia and take out Scorponex and his company. Rosa out" Rosa said.

All of the heroes leave the ship and enter the road via truck. They spot the two CAV trucks and it enters a chase to the city. Scorponex quickly takes note of this and decides to stop at the city, realising that they won't outrun them. The Soldiers gear up and split up in the city.

"Sir, where are we gonna meet up" said a CAV Sergeant

"I'm not, get the Pathfinder to the LZ" replied Scorponex as he prepares his Cybernetic Claws while the Sergeant leaves.

Velvion and her team arrive to the city. Arriving to the city are Velvion, a blonde girl in red, white and black nanotech armor, Vantis, a redheaded girl with arm blades and a maroon outfit, and Magneius, a guy in and orange outfit with a pair of handheld magnets. They split up in hopes to find Scorponex and his company and apprehend them. Velvion goes after Scorponex only to get ambushed by him.

"Did Little Red Armored Hood get lost in the city?" Scorponex taunted.

"No, just here to stop you!" replied Velvion.

"Heh, I needed a warm up anyway" Scorponex says as he brings out his arm claws.

Scorponex lunges towards Velvion trying to slash her with his claws, but Velvion dodges each slash. She deploys her arm blade and the two are about to start a swift duel. 

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