Chapter 6: Amethyst

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Lydia's Dropship lands onto the LZ where XT is waiting for her. She arrives with a squad of soldiers to back her up.

"This is as close as I could land, Temple is northwest of our current position." XT said

"Excellent, spread out to cover more ground, if the United Forces is here, then don't hesitate to take them out." Lydia ordered.

The soldiers did as Lydia ordered and spread out to the outside of the temple.


The soldiers still have the team at gunpoint. The Knight throws the smoke grenades he hid and the team makes quick work of them by taking them out with their weapons. They go outside but not before Dove makes a quick intervention.

"Wait, Knight, before you leave, I will leave this behind for you, it is something that many has helped warriors with your skill, and I deem it necessary for you to have this." Dove said.

"Uh, thanks?" Knight said, confused with what he was given, which is a small box with an infinity symbol on it.

Knight and the team walk out of the temple only to find more CAV Soldiers heading for them.

"There they are! Attack!" one of the soldiers said.

The soldiers open fire with their SMGs while Vantis and Velvion fire back with their guns taking the soldiers out.

"Alright we have to stop Lydia and her cronies from getting the Amethyst." Knight said.

"Agreed" Rosa replied.

XT shows up flying with his jetpack throwing grenades at the team.

"Stay the hell out of the way, and I won't kill you." XT said as he flies away.

"Like hell I'm doing that." Rosa replied as she goes after him.

"Rosa where are you going?" Velvion said.

"Splitting up to cover more ground!" Rosa replied as she runs off.

"Alone?" Magnieus asked.

More soldiers arrive at their position.

"There they are! Open fire!" one of the soldiers shouted.


Lydia and her company of soldiers arrive at a nearby terminal where they find it is closed within a door.

"Blow the door" Lydia said

"Yes ma'am." One of the soldiers says as he's walking to the door to set an explosive charge.

The door explodes and Lydia and the soldiers go inside. Dove approaches Lydia.

"You are trespassing on these grounds. Turn back now or you face repercussions!" Dove said

"Really? You think I'm gonna let some AI from a time long forgotten, threaten me, Lydia Crystallis, the Empress of The CAV? Don't amuse me, you know what I want." Lydia said.

"I sense you will use the Amethyst's power for destruction. I will not let you pass." Dove replied.

"Ah, that's where you're wrong, you know what happens to people who show defiance." Lydia said.

A Soldier goes to the terminal implanting a virus onto Dove, corrupting her systems, showing the Amethyst at a tomb. Lydia and the soldiers extract the Amethyst from the tomb into a case.

"Alright, we have what we need. Commander, pull your forces back." Lydia said.

"Yes ma'am" The CAV Commander said.


XT is seen flying to Lydia's position, only to find Rosa is following him as she throws her combat knight at one of his thrusters. Knocking XT down temporarily disables his jetpack.

"So you wanna play that game. Well then, let's play" XT says as he deploys his wrist mounted flamethrowers.

XT charges at Rosa firing his flamethrowers, Rosa grabs his arms and manually retracts them. Rosa kicks XT in the abdomen, XT tries to punch but Rosa dodges. XT sees them standing on a frozen ridge and fires his wrist rocket as he and Rosa go down, causing the two to fall into an icy chamber, they slide down and XT tries to fire his pistol at Rosa, the Agent tries to slide down to punch XT's helmet a couple of times, they slide out to a nearby hill.

"That's enough!" XT says as he fires his wrist rocket to some ice, causing it to fall onto Rosa.

XT flies away with his jetpack, getting back to Lydia's last known location.


Lydia and her squad of soldiers were about to leave with the Shadow Amethyst, Team Knight approaches them ready to fight. Lydia shoots out crystal needles out of her hands, she hands the Amethyst to the commander.

"Go! I'll catch up." Lydia said.

The soldier runs and Lydia gets out her Crystal Sword. Team Knight charges at her. Lydia dodge Vantis arm blades, she grabs her and launches towards Magnieus, Velvion flies towards her blasting Lydia with her arm cannon, Lydia dodges every shot and shoots a crystal needle at Velvion's shoulder. Knight runs to Velvion.

"Look at you Knight, so desperate to cling onto others for their affection. Don't tell me you have gotten soft on me." Lydia said.

Knight doesn't respond and throws a smoke grenade towards Lydia. He runs up to the ship trying to prevent the soldiers from taking the Shadow Amethyst. Lydia turns around and shoots a crystal needle at the Knight, Knight dodges, and Lydia kicks him in the face. She gets onto the dropship. XT fires his rifle at the Knight, the Knight dodges the bullets, XT then throws a grenade at the Knight and XT flies off to the dropship.

Lydia's ship leaves the temple with the Amethyst in her possession. Team Knight looks as if the mission was a failure. Rosa wakes up getting herself out of the snow. Velvion contacts her.

"Rosa, we failed, they have it" Velvion said.

"Return to the base for further instruction." Rosa replied.


Lydia contacts Ivan Spade via comms.

"You better have something good," Ivan said.

"Oh I do Mr Spade, I have exactly what you want" Lydia replied.

Near Ivan's office Autumn hides behind, trying to listen to the conversation Ivan is having with Lydia.

"The gem. This will be good as we're making some slight modifications to Ultra Knight. Last mission was successful but took up more energy than initially presumed. Still though, he served his purpose of eliminating potential competition." Ivan said.

"What?" Autumn whispered to herself in shock at what she's hearing.

"Yes, it was good that you were able to carry this out, Knight would have recognized my forces at a moment's notice. But your Drone did its part well enough. I'll have my forces deliver the crown jewel to you no later than 48 hours." Lydia replied to Ivan.

"Good. This is gonna be the start to a wonderful working relationship" Ivan said.

"That's exactly what I wanna hear from you" Lydia replied.

Ivan leaves his office as Autumn still tries to hide.


Lily is sleeping on her bed at night when she receives a phone call from Autumn. She answers.

"What?" Lily said as she woke up.

"Lily it's Autumn, I got something you can write down for this, it's about Mr Spade. Meet me tomorrow for more."

"Fine fine I'll be there." Lily replied as she hangs up and goes back to sleep.

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